Chris Malek performing in Art Gallery of NSW

Bogumiła Filip
15th of May 2011

Galeria Zdjęć Pulsu Polonii

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May 15th, 2011. Chris Malek has played The artist was introduced by Craig Brush, director of the  Art Gallery Society. If you speak Polish, read an article about the concert  in Puls Polonii, here is the URL -
Polonaise As-dur op.53 is one of Krzysztof's favoirite pieces.
Guest of Honour - Polish Consul General  Daniel Gromann with Barbara Aleksandrowicz-Dabrowa of the Art Gallery. She reccommended the pianist to the organisers.
Standing ovation... ...and back to the piano! And guess who is this. Krzysztof's sweetheart, a soprano, Adriana Crugnale.
Friends, faithful friends, its so good to have them. Krzysztof with Adriana and her parents: Pietro Crugnale (of Italian origin), and Quing Crugnale (hailing from Shanghai).
Just reminding you to read an article (in Polish) about the concert  in Puls Polonii, here is the URL for you - Cheers!