Bajka i legenda świata w życie nam się wplata: obraz, poezja, scenariusz przedstawienia, praca plastyczna, twórczość literacka, od przedszkola po uniwersytet III wieku. Zapraszamy do udziału w Międzynarodowym Konkursie z honorowym patronatem Ministra Edukacji Narodowej, Marszałków Łódzkiego i Podlaskiego Urzędu Wojewódzkiego a także Muzeum w Gliwicach. - tu mamy regulamin konkursowy
Konkurs ma za zadanie przypomnienie młodemu pokoleniu naszych wspaniałych legend, baśni i bajek w szeroko rozumianej formie prac plastycznych czy twórczości literackiej. Chcemy zwrócić uwagę na ich wartość i wpływ na nasze życie.Szczególnie zachęcamy do współpracy Muzea, Biblioteki, Domy Kultury czy szkoły - chcemy wydać album pokonkursowy zawierający najciekawsze prace.
Prace można nadsyłać do 30 września 2014r.
Dotychczas nadesłane prace obejrzyj tutaj
International Competition "Fairy tales and legends of the world in our lives"
Through this contest we want to show how important for children, youth and adults around the world feelings are. We are looking at influence of fairy tales, legends in our lives. We are curious: what mark did heroes of childhood years leave in everyone's life? Who do we model our lives after, who we love, who used to frighten us?
Good and evil exist in every culture . We want to uncover forgotten local tales and legends. We want to show you how different countries introduce the children into adult life by fairy tales and legends.
We want to bring characters from other parts of the world, we want to get to know them and to present them to all our fans. The world through the eyes of a child is sometimes charming, sometimes a dark place, yet memories of those years produce a spark in the eye and a smile on the face.
Let's get back together with our children to the years of our childhood, youth, and perhaps maturity. On our way let's see what today's children, young people love and why. Maybe someone will write a new fairy tale, will create a new hero and delight us with his adventures?
The competition is open and has no age restrictions - from the youngest to the great-grandparents. The content categories are:
Artwork (painting, embroidery, comic or sculpture)
Creative writing (fairy tale, fable, legend, story, the memory of his childhood fairy tales, script of a play, satire, etc).
Work can be written in any dialect or a foreign language, but polish description or translation is required. The work will be evaluated separately by the Jury and users of portal Awards will be given in several content and age categories.
We count on your support in the form of prizes and donations. After the competition we plan to release album honoring our artists. We dedicate it to all the young heart and spirit, to our sponsors, libraries, municipalities and municipal, to people staying in a hospital or hospice.
The additional aim of the competition is to integrate all communities of local governments, the business community, artists, schools and cultural centres in the country and beyond its borders including Polish diaspores around the world. The competition encourages creative approach to our past years and place in today's world - sometimes serious, sometimes with distance.
Jedna z konkursowych prac: Żyli długo i szczęśliwie |
A może nasi polonijni nauczyciele zachęcą dzieci do malowania/rysowania/przedstawienia kultury aborygeńskiej? |