Jedni wzruszają ramionami, mówią "to i tak nic nie da" - i nie piszą. Inni uparcie piszą mówiąc: "trzeba ich edukować!" Miejmy nadzieję, że wysłanych protestów jest o wiele, wiele więcej, niż tych, które docierają do Pulsu Polonii. Ktokolwie chciałby jeszcze wysłać swój protest, może napisać swój własny, albo skorzystać z gotowych wzorców.
Complaints Officer,Nine Network P/L,PO Box 27,WILLOUGHBY 2068.Dear Complaints Officer.Hereby I am lodging a formal complaint that during 6pm Chanel 9 News on 03/07/2016, regarding the death of Elie Wiesel, the following was communicated to the Australian public: “…Wiesel and the entire Jewish population of his town were forcibly sent to the Polish concentration camp in 1944….”
It shames Channel Nine and also Australia that your producer and a newsreader of a main stream media are not aware that Poland was under German occupation for the entire World War II years 1939-1945, except of Soviet occupation of the East of Poland in 1939-1941. None of the WWII Nazi concentration camps on Polish soil can be referred to as Polish concentration camps. All WWII concentration camps in the conquered by Germans Poland were set up and run by Nazis and used as extermination camps not only for Jews but as well for Romani, Poles, Russians and others. Please answer honestly the following two questions. Why Chanel 9 does not refer to these camps as German concentration camps? Would Chanel 9 refer to Australian WWII concentration camps as Aboriginal concentration camps? I hope these answers may help you to comprehend why referring to these camps as Polish is very upsetting to the entire Polish community in Australia, and in particular to our elders who were concentration camps prisoners, experienced unimaginable torture and trauma, to all surviving Polish ex-servicemen and to all Australians of Polish roots.
I demand a formal apology to be broadcast to viewers during Chanel 9 News, as a matter of urgency.
I hope that this complaint will assist in Nine Network P/L Management and Board informing its entire relevant staff that there is no such thing as WWII Polish concentration camps. Yours sincerely Andrzej Kozek Honorary Fellow, Associate Professor, Macquarie University, Department of Statistics
I kolejny protest. As a survivor of Nazi genocidal practices, I was deeply disturbed that your station has allowed to broadcast an unjust characteristics of German concentration camps on the occupied territories. Both Jewish and Polish people were categorised as subhumans, according to the racist ideology of the Third Reich. Consequently, we all were doomed to slavery, discrimination, starvation and persecution. Chaya Sherman of Haifa has survived in hiding thanks to my uncle, Bronislaw Niemotko who was killed in Majdanek concentration camp when caught. Presenting both peoples as opponents, now, would give an unjustified credit to Goebbelsian-type hate propaganda. Let us be proud of living in a multicultural and harmonious community where there should be no place for blatant stereotypes and misleading innuendos.
Wishing you success in your work. Yours sincerely
Dr Waldemar Niemotko, President, International Research Institute Inc.
I jeszcze email od Ambasadora RP wAustralii, Pawła Milewskiego do Moniki Wiench, która zainicjowała serię protestów. Szanowna Pani Redaktor. Bardzo serdecznie dziękuję za zamieszczenia na Pulsie Polonii naszej korespondencji w sprawie bulwersującego użycia nieprawdziwego sformułowania na Kanale 9. Czym bardziej będziemy nagłaśniać i potępiać tego typu działania, tym większa szansa na to, że ta straszna nieprawda przestanie kiedyś być używana, również w Australii. Czekam cały czas na reakcję ze strony redakcji TV na mój protest.[] Napisaliśmy dodatkowo do 9News na portalu społecznościowym Twitter bezpośrednie żądanie o sprostowanie. Mam nadzieję, że wraz z licznymi apelami Polonii australijskiej to pomoże. Jeszcze raz Pani dziękuję.Z wyrazami szacunku, Paweł Milewski
Ambasador Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w Australii.