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Szukanie Rozszerzone
Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



7 października 2017
Presentation of the winners: Maria Schultz of Buenos Aires
sharing first prize in Poetry with Paweł Dobrucki of Cieszyn

Margaluiza Schultz
Profesor Margarita Schultz uzyskała doktorat z filozofii i estetyki w 1995 roku. Wykładowca na wielu uniwersytetach Ameryki Łacińskiej. Autorka ponad 30 publikacji naukowych i literackich, specjalista w dziedzinie semiotyki, epistemologii, estetyki, sztuki cyfrowej i cyberkultury. Ma w dorobku książki dla młodzieży. Wydała 6 tomów poezji pisanej po hiszpańsku. Specjalnie na Konkurs Kościuszkowski napisała dwa wiersze...po angielsku. Margaluiza wychowała się w Argentynie, jej rodzice byli Polakami. Członek ACAP (Ogniwo) Buenos Aires, "Argentine-Polish Cultural Association".

(ESK) -Lets talk about the language. You, like your co-winner Mr Dobrucki, you have written competition poems in your second language. Did you feel comfortable putting your ideas into your non-native language?

- To write Poetry means to communicate not only ‘ideas’, but also emotions, feelings, and all that inside an atmosphere of rhythm and music (the music of the phrase). I wouldn't write nor couldn't write the poems in my mother language, Spanish, and then translate the texts into English. That’s why, I create my poems for the Competition directly in English language. I felt comfortable because I read literature in English language, daily. Sometimes I read in ‘high voice’, to hear precisely ‘the music’.

- Do you think your ideas would have been expressed more ideally in Spanish?

- It is a good question. As I didn’t translate my texts into English I don’t know how would they have been expressed. Now, to spread the texts after the publication of the results of the Competition, I will have to translate them into my own native language. Hope to be an acceptable translator of my own work. We’ll see how they ‘look’…

- How and when have you learnt English? Do you lecture in English as well?

- I studied English in the high school. After those formal studies, I kept continually reading in English, essays, novels, poetry. I didn’t lecture in English, but I exposed and defended in English papers for International Conferences, in the academic universal language.

- Are you still working or retired.

Margarita's cousin Mrs Mary Ziegler of Sydney receiving the prize on her behalf from Hon.Ray Williams.Photo T. Koprowski

Marga with her older son

- I am retired from my work at the University, since 2010. Now I am devoted to writing, painting water-colour, and practicing martial arts (tai chi in the last 15 years).

- How many children and grandkids do you have.

- I have two lovely children, honest and kind guys, and by now only one grandkid.

- What influence do you have over younger generation?

- For 34th years I taught to young people at the Faculty of Arts (University of Chile). I know that I had influence on them, they told me that. My influence was, surely, about thinking with critical objectives, not accepting passively, asking questions about the subjects of their "profession", and developing their own judgment ...

- Are they peace-oriented as well?

- I hope this, I believe that the continual practice of ‘Arts’ makes peaceful citizens… among other virtues.

Son Lucas & Fabian, Marga's grandson

Alejandra the illustrator of Marga's latest book