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5 lutego 2020
Fiery drama in Kosciuszko National Park goes on
you can still donate to help renovate the Park

Threatened Species: Corroboree Frog
A link to our previous article "Wspólnota celów i działań" With approval of its members Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. has paid $5,000.00 as a donation to the Polish Fundraiser for the Recovery of Kosciuszko National Park. While expressing his gratitude, Mick Pettitt, Director of NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service has stated that:"Unfortunately the fires are still impacting on Kosciuszko National Park. The latest threat is coming from the ACT where the Orroral fire is now impacting on the eastern edge of the Bimberi Nature Reserve and Kosciuszko National Park west of Currango and the Blue Water Holes area. We are hopeful and praying for rain. I know you are all with us on our journey of extinguishing the fires and the long road to recovery. Your kind donation will help immensely in the recovery of Country and as a result the unique fauna and flora only found in this part of the world."

We believe that our community, Polonia, will continue donating to the fund. Individual persons may pay by Credit card klicking on this link: www.fnpw.org.au/news-and-events/polish-fundraise-for-the-recovery-of-kosciuszko-national-park

However, a different procedure applies to organisations which have no Credit cards. It is advisable to ring this number 1800 898 626 in order to make arrangements for an electronic transfer.


Threatened species: Pygmy possum