I would like to put on public record that I attended the AGM of the Polish Foundation at Ashfield last night, Thursday 21 January 2021. I had been asked by the Polish Federation of NSW President Mr Adam Gajkowski to stand for the position of Vice President as the Polish Federation is a member organisation of the Polish Foundation and a regular user of the Polish House. As an experienced and qualified town planner, I thought – why not? I could give it a go. Maybe I could help to get a better outcome for the Polish House, which is a listed Heritage Item and an important legacy in the Polish Community.
I must say I never expected to be brutally and personally attacked for “daring” to stand for an Executive position on a Community Organisation, ie the Polish Foundation. [As far as I know we still have a democratic Australia?]. The unexpected verbal abuse was delivered by the incumbent Vice President Agata Satala (a lawyer) who was standing for re-election. I had “no right” she said, “as I wasn’t from Ashfield and didn’t come to Ashfield”.
[The fact that Polish Song and Dance Ensemble “Lajkonik” had on two occasions, once even at Agata’s personal invitation, made formal written application to join the Foundation and had on both occasions, never received the courtesy of a reply, let alone an explanation, was somehow conveniently forgotten].
I think a lot of people who know of my service to the Polish Community in Sydney might disagree with her, and that I would indeed be a good potential candidate for the position of Vice President.
And so, as the evening unfolded ……..
Even though I have publicly supported a redevelopment of the Ashfield Polish Club (for those that bothered to actually read my submission to the Council), I was publicly denounced for even daring to write a submission and expressing my professional opinion about the shortcomings in the design of the new Club. And, in my opinion, there are quite a few, all of which can be amended with some re-design and a more ambitious vision.
And finally, in trying to point out genuine legal concerns about the fact that members of the Board of Directors of the Ashfield Polish Club were also on the Committee of the Polish Foundation, and that this could potentially be, or at the very least perceived to be, a “conflict of interest”, I was met again with another highly-disrespectful and personal assault by Richard Borysiewicz (current President of Ashfield Polish Club) and Agata Satala. Surprisingly, there was no professional legal response from the person who must of course be aware of the dichotomy and the ramifications of not adhering to the law, and simply good ethical management, in relation to where there may be, or may be perceived to be, a conflict of interest.
It stands to reason that it would be difficult for a person to concurrently act in the best interests of BOTH organisations – the Polish Club being a commercial entity, the Polish Foundation being a Not-for-Profit Community Organisation, and especially in relation to complex property matters.
I am sure that anyone can read Clause 31 of the Associations Incorporation Act 2009 as well as a wealth of information on the internet about the need for Disclosures of Interest, the need to withdraw from the decision-making of one entity if faced with a Conflict of Interest, and responsibilities of Board Members of Registered Clubs as well as Executive Members of Not-for-Profits. It’s all there – including potential fines and even imprisonment for using membership, and in this case Executive Committee membership, of another organisation to gain a financial benefit.
Last night proved that the Foundation Committee has failed to appreciate that the driveway of the Polish House has a commercial value to the developer of the Ashfield Polish Club, and that a Right of Access should be purchased not given away. That’s if you are acting in the best interest of the Polish House?????
Given the fact that the Foundation operated at a deficit of over $10,000 in the last financial year, one would think that an astute committee would see the shared use of the driveway as a way to legitimately raise much-needed funds to put towards the high costs of maintenance and beautification of the Polish House.
Are we witnessing the Cronyism and Nepotism in the Polish Community of Sydney – in all it's ugliness?
Urszula Lang, Town Planner