After a long illness our dear friend Marshal McMahon has passed away last Friday, 12th of February 2021.He was a well known personality in the Australian educational system. In the years 1983-1991 he was the Headmaster of St Joseph's College, Hunters Hill, a famous Catholic college founded by the Marist Brothers in 1881.We find a long article Farewell to a great man on the College's website.
Here's the link to the website
Two final paragraphs from the website: Marshal carried these qualities with him during his subsequent appointments as Principal of McCarthy (now Penola) Catholic College at Emu Plains, Rector of St John’s College at the University of Sydney, Headmaster of St Gregory’s College at Campbelltown, and in more recent years as a teacher at Parramatta Marist High School.
Vale Marshal McMahon, a man of faith, purpose and integrity, who taught the gospel message and lived it among his students and staff. All at St Joseph’s College extend deepest sympathy to his loving wife of 28 years, Teresa, and the extended McMahon family.
Naszej serdecznej przyjaciółce Tereni McMahon składamy wyrazy najgłębszego współczucia: Ernestyna & Andrzej Kozek, Puls Polonii & Kosciuszko Heritage Inc.
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