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19 kwietnia 2008
Mound & Mt Kosciuszko Festival 2008 – COMPETITION RESULTS
Robert Wolf, John Hospodaryk, Urszula Lang, Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, kb

FKPP Mound and Mt Kosciuszko Festival Competitions

Category of poetry-music, for entrants under the age of 25

The jurors of the music competition, comprising Robert Wolf (musician, composer), John Hospodaryk (singer, musician, composer and history teacher), Urszula Lang (Artistic Director of Festival) and Ernestyna-Skurjat-Kozek (President of the Cultural Foundation of Puls Polonii), made the following decisions in relation to the competition.

No major prizes were awarded, however, three Special Commendations, including one Highly Commended Prize, were awarded.

With great pleasure, the jury decided to award a Highly Commended Prize of $300 to 10-year old Paulina Pazdzior from Sydney, as a new emerging young musical talent. Paulina composed music to a poem by Maria Konopnicka about Tadeusz Kosciuszko - “There in the Swiss Free Land”, and then sang the song to create her entry in the Competition. Paulina is the youngest individual performer in the Festival.

Robert Wolf, John Hospodaryk, Urszula Lang, Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek

Sydney, 31 March 2008