T. Gebhardt | A concert to give you support and give thanks for all your hard work and wonderful achievements for the Polish Community in NSW.
Read Tadzio's Biography - published below
Ursula Lang: Please join me in "A Concert for Tadziu" at Newcastle Dom Polski (Polish Centre at 122 Chatham Road, Broadmeadow) at 1pm on Sunday, 17th January 2010.
Performance by Polish Song and Dance Ensemble "Lajkonik". Additional performances by local artists are invited. Please ring Ursula Lang on 0418 265 271 if you would like to make a contribution, or if you would like to say a few words.
Tickets $15 (light lunch, with Polish cakes, tea/coffee for afternoon tea). Informal seating plan.
Concert proceeds to go to Cancer Research, organisation to be nominated by Tadziu.
Updated Info: Proceeds of concert to be donated to Oncology Unit, Royal North Shore Hospital (Brain Tumor Nurse Support Unit).
Lajkonik at Polish Hill River |
Brief Biography
John Gebhardt OAM J.P.
M.Ed. Stud., B.Ed.Stud., B.A., Dip.Ed.
John Gebhardt is the Senior Deputy Chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia. He was the President of the Ethnic Communities Council of Newcastle and the Hunter Region, a position he has held for the past 13 years until 2006 and is currently the Executive Officer of the organisation.
A son of post-war Polish refugee parents he has completed graduate and post graduate studies at Newcastle University and been involved in education – both public and private for 36 years. During his educational career he has held a variety of positions including Classroom Teacher, Head of Department, Educational Consultant, Director of Curriculum and Supervisor of Schools. He has also served on various educational committees – State and Federal and had a particular interest in Multicultural Education, Disadvantaged Schools and Aboriginal Education. He has also been a guest lecturer at a number of tertiary institutions e.g. University of Newcastle and University of Wollongong, Newcastle CAE and Goulburn CAE.
John is a well regarded member of the Polish Communities of Newcastle and Wollongong in which he was a major contributor to their cultural life and the organisation of youth. He was awarded the Order of St. Stanislaus (Established 1765) for services to the latter. He established one of the first Multicultural Education Resource Centres in NSW at Wollongong; was Ethnic Affairs Commissioner for the Illawarra/South Coast; an active Executive Member of the Illawarra Ethnic Communities Council; served on the State Ministerial Multicultural Education Advisory Committee and the Community Consultative Committee to the Scott Review of NSW State Education.
John is also a member of the Board of Management of Tinonee Gardens, The Multicultural Village, an ex officio member to the Hippocrates Orthodox Aged Care Village Management Committee and the Social Planning Committee for Maitland City Council.
John has also served on local government and regional advisory committees of the Community Relations Commission, Area Assistance Program and Regional Development. He continues to play an active role in advocating on behalf of regional communities on issues of settlement, refugees, education, aged services, community development and racism. This includes the presentation of papers at conferences, addressing community rallies and lessons in secondary and primary schools.