Our attendance at 11am (English) mass at St Francis Xavier's Cathedral in Adelaide on Sunday 26 December 2010, confirmed what we have observed many times before. Poles in Adelaide have a significant public profile and are well-respected. Archbishop Philip Wilson's sermon explained how the Nativity Scene ("Szopka") came to be placed within the Cathedral, ie, that the "szopka" was built by Polish Father Marek Ptak CR and a small group of Polish volunteers.
He explained to the congregation about how Pope John Paul II (Jan Pawel II )was taken to similar-looking "Szopki" in Krakow as a young child and taught about Polish traditions. The Archbishop explained that through this exposure as a young child, Jan Pawel II came to have a deep love and understanding for God and also for Polish folk traditions through which the Poles' strong Catholic faith is often expressed in interesting and unique ways. The Szopka Krakowska is but one quaint example.
Many of my friends of Polish background have children who just don't get the opportunity to enjoy and get to know Polish Folk traditions, and despite my best efforts, they have completely moved away from their Polish culture. Christmas for example is so driven by the search for expensive presents, the "hype" that is created by the retailers and the many work Christmas parties etc. Yet the Polish folk traditions are so simple, beautiful and special and don't require you to go crazy with the big build-up towards Christmas! Ach, if only they would value their Polish heritage more......!
Note the flags |
My husband Tony and I stayed around afterwards in the Cathedral, to try and get some good photos of the Szopka, so as to share them with Puls Polonii readers. This took a while because many people stayed to get a closer look at this beautiful artwork! And what an amazing multicultural Parish this is - there were people of many backgrounds - Filipino, Sudanese, Indian, Vietnamese, Ukrainian and some Poles as well as the Australians. The children especially loved the Szopka and everyone wanted to take a photo in front of it.
Urszula Lang
Polish Eagle beneath the Bethlehem Star |
And Lajkonik is there too, of course |
Read an article by Irena Dyrynda: Polska szopka w Adelaide