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5 lutego 2011
Jak muzycy z Chicago (niedo)czekali na samolot do Sydney
Chicago CBS TV

Sparaliżowane z powodu burz snieżnych lotniska amerykańskie nie mogą dojść do normy. Oto scenka, jaka się wydarzyła na lotnisku O'Hara, skąd mieli do nas przylecieć młodzi muzycy z "Paderewski Music Academy". Miejmy nadzieję, że jednak w ostatniej chwili nadlecą - w sam czas na festiwal! A występy w Sydney przełożymy na weekend 19 i 20 lutego.

Blizzard Keeps Young Musicians From Trip Of Lifetime

The blizzard is jeopardizing a trip of a lifetime for some young Chicago musicians scheduled to perform in Sydney, Australia this weekend.

Newsradio 780′s Steve Miller reports.

Nineteen young musicians, from fifth grade to high school, from the Pederewski Academy of Music in Chicago were scheduled to begin their trip today.

They planned to fly out of O’Hare International Airport today to Minneapolis and then to Los Angeles for the flight to Sydney.

But their flight to Minneapolis was canceled this morning, and they’re still waiting to see if they can get on a flight tonight. They’re worried because all of the flights tomorrow from Los Angeles to Sydney are full.

Meantime, the musicians are making the most of their time at O’Hare. They took out their violins and started to practice–still hopeful they’ll get a flight out tonight.

Video. Posłuchajcie jak grali na lotnisku