The Revengers' Comedy written by Leonard Radic, directed by Stefan Mrowinski. The Revengers’ Comedy by Leonard Radic is a dark satiric comedy in a
contemporary setting – a riff on a
celebrated Jacobean tragedy.
Two women, friends from their student
days, declare war on their fickle and
unfaithful husbands.
The play is also a satire on the publishing
industry. One of the two husbands is an
ex-publisher who has been “downsized”
and is very angry about his treatment. He
is a “modern Malvolio” whose battle cry
is “woe is me”.
The Revengers’ Comedy is
performed by Martin Mulvany,
Lesley Harris, Steven Kennedy,
Renee Palmer, Jenita Spirtovic
and Beth Liston.
Writer LEONARD RADIC was a theatre critic
for The Age from 1974-94. He reviewed more
than 2000 productions for the paper. This
is the fourth play of his to be staged by La
Mama. He is the author of two books on the
Australian theatre: The State of Play (Penguin)
and Contemporary Australian Drama
(Brandl&Schlesinger). Seven of his plays
have been published, and three broadcast by
the ABC.
STEFAN MROWINSKI is a theatre director,
playwright and university lecturer; author of
theatrical plays in Poland and Australia; of
stage adaptations, scripts and radio plays:
1966 – 2006, specializing in short drama
plays and monodramas. Living in Australia
since 1980, Stefan was the founder and
artistic director of Poetica Theatre Company
(1983-1989). He was also co-founder of
the experimental theatre The Church, which
explored new forms of open theatre in
Melbourne. In 2006 Stefan celebrated 40
years of his creative and artistic work.
Tickets $25, $15. bookings 9347 6142.