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6 października 2011
Zmarł Steve Jobs
ikona i legenda Krzemowej Doliny
He was a conjurer, a modern magician who reached into tomorrow and came up with things that changed millions of lives. And as people gathered at Apple Stores from Sydney to San Francisco to mourn Steve Jobs, the feeling was more than grief for an executive or even an inventor. It was something closer to awe for a wizard.

On Thursday, the admirers who turned his technological marvels into everyday tools used them as instruments of grief. People held up pictures of candles on their iPads, booted up their MacBook Pros to watch old Jobs presentations on YouTube, used their iPhones to sift through remembrances on Twitter.

Apple announced Jobs' death Wednesday night and remembered him as a "visionary and creative genius." The company announced no cause of death, but Jobs had been diagnosed with a rare pancreatic cancer seven years ago and had a liver transplant in 2009. He was 56. The company did not release any details about Jobs' funeral; a spokesman said there would be no public services.

Read a long and fascinating story of Steve Jobs

Był synem syryjskiego imigranta i Amerykanki. Rodzice zaraz po urodzeniu oddali go do adopcji. Nigdy nie skończył studiów, miał tylko średnie wykształcenie. Kariera Jobsa rozpoczęła się od znajomości ze Steve'em Wozniakiem, z którym w 1976 r. w garażu zbudował pierwszy komputer - Apple I. Aby zrealizować ten projekt Jobs sprzedał swojego minibusa, a Wozniak kalkulator.

Więcej w Dzienniku Polskim

Steve Wozniak - wikipedia

Wozniak about Job's health on You Tube