Dear Friends of Chopin. We are proud to announce that the Friends of International Chopin Competition of Australia are on Facebook and Twitter.This is still a work in progress but we wanted to mark the event of our first anniversary on the 5th November in some way.
It is an opportunity for all of us to use it, be more interactive but also to advertise ourselves on the internet and to spread the word internationally about the Competition.
For those of you who know little about Facebook and Twitter:
Facebook is a social media site where anyone can make comments, post images, ask questions or follow events. You just need to go to and create an account (all you need is an email address) and then you can search for the Friends of the International Chopin Competition of Australia page (or click on this link:!/pages/Friends-of-the-International-Chopin-Competition-of-Australia/188833287866350) and 'Friend' or 'Like' to follow what is going on, or write comments or suggestions, or share information about events, on the 'Wall'.
Twitter is another form of email where v. short comments [up to 150 characters] can be made to all those who are 'Following' the 'Tweets'. This allows those without too much time to provide important feedback like b I think itbs great what you are doing [or not], and it allows the Friends to send out very quick updates or useful information. It's as easy as creating a Facebook account, (but you go to instead) and then search for @ICCoAFriends (or click on this link:!/ICCoAFriends) and 'Follow'.
We sincerely thank Ben James who has set it up. He has kindly agreed to be our Administrator so any questions and feeds to him at
The Friends was formed on the 5th November at a meeting at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Canberra where H.E. Mr Andrzej Jaroszynski the Ambassador of Poland to Australia agreed to be our Patron and Wanda Horky the President, Dr Jolanta Gallagher the Vice-President, Eta Rogoyska, the Secretary, Stan Kowalski, Member. Mr Witold Krzesinski, 1st Counsellor, Polish Embassy and Mr Andrzej Alwast, then President, Polish Community Council of Australia were also present.
The idea of the Friends was mooted by the ANU School of Music. Our activities to date have been * Celebrated Chopin’s birthday on 22 February/1st March * In partnership with ANU School of Music ran the competition from the 1-8 May 2011 * Provided non-performance activities during the competition * Temporary website on the ANU School of Music’s website
* Initiated an electronic newsletter known as Nohant news.
Membership drive for Honorary, Notable, Ordinary members with total membership standing at 130.
* Fund raising recital The Unique Chopin, 13 September 2011 featuring Edward [Teddy] Neeman * Initiated Meet and Greet our Notable members: Simon Tedeschi recital, August 2011, NGA * Celebrated Chopin’s death on the 17 October
*Support for Peter de Jager’s prize winner’s concerts at Yass [5 Nov.] and Cooma [6 Nov.]
Wanda Horky President
Fryderyk Chopin (1810-1849) P: 6259 5099 [h] M: 0438 195 183