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11 listopada 2011
100 Germans attacked peaceful celebration in Warsaw
11 listopada - starcia w Warszawie, zamieszki w innych miastach
Group of about 100 German leftists , armed with baseball bats and stones, attacked participants of the patriotic Independence Day celebration and also attacked the police officers protecting Polish Independance Day celebration, then they barricaded themselves in cafe in Warsaw. Police used water cannons and smoke at the Constitution Square. Nine policemen were injured and dozens of protesters, 21 people went to the hospital. Over 150 participants of the leftist demonstration were arrested including about 100 Germans.

see pictures at niezalezna.pl

Shocking eyewitness account: "Suddenly, five masked man jumped in with baseball bats. They spoke German. And they started to beat "


watch video on Youtube

Over 10 thousands of participants took part in the patriotic Independence Day celebration in Warsaw.

starcie a manifestantami wpolityce.pl

Source :http://freepl.info

Poland regained independence 93 years ago, today it celebrates Independence Day. The situation was very good for Poland in October and November 1918 because the German defeat was getting closer and closer. The Polish people did not waste the chance given to them by history - they actively began to gain control of the Polish territories occupied by the three occupiers.

Independence Day was constituted in 1937 and celebrated only twice as in 1939 World War II broke out. After the War Poland faced a period of communism and the national holiday of 11th November was replaced with 22nd July, i.e. the day when the PKWN Manifesto was issued. Only in 1989, when Poland was no longer under the Soviet regime, was it possible to restore 11th November as a national holiday. It has been celebrated ever since.

This year Independence Marches are organized throughout Poland. German extreme left-wing and anarchist activists are planning to disturb the one in Warsaw therefore its route is still kept secret by its organizers.


Warszawa: spalony wóz transmisyjny TVN24

11 listopada w Krakowie - wordpress.com

Zaatakowany za portret pary prezydenckiej.W trakcie uroczystości obchodów Święta Niepodległości na placu Matejki w Krakowie, przy grobie Nieznanego Żołnierza brutalnie zaatakowany został Stanisław Markowski, twórca muzyki do hymnu „Solidarności”.


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