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7 lutego 2012
Podhale & Scouts - Information Evening
piątek 17 lutego 2012; zdjęcia Henry Igliński
Polish Folklore Ensemble Podhale and Liverpool Polish Scouts - Information Evening. Friday 17th February 2012 at the White Eagle Hall Cabramatta - come join us!Polish Folklore Ensemble Podhale invites and warmly welcomes everyone interested in Polish Folk Dance to our Information Evening. You'll have an opportunity to find out what being part of our group is all about, meet our members and instructors, see some of our many costumes and choreographies arranged to wonderful Polish music and singing. If you like, you can even have a go at dancing! You’ll be glad you did!

Filip Boguszewicz, who is the Liverpool Polish Scouts Troop leader will also be in attendance to provide any information about joining the Liverpool Polish Scouts between 7pm and 8pm.

Podhale Junior and Middle Group information will be available between 6 and 7pm and Senior Group information between 7 and 8pm. (But not limited to these times)

If you are not able to make it for the information evening, come along to any one of our rehearsals: our junior and middle groups rehearse on Thursday evenings and our senior group on Friday evenings!

Podhale has just celebrated its Anniversary of three very successful years and is preparing to participate in its second Pol-Art festival which is to be held in Perth at the end of the year!! It's a great opportunity to join, have fun, make new friends and build lasting memories of being part of the action.

Podhale is based in Cabramatta at the White Eagle Hall (cnr Bareena & West Sts), where it rehearses and holds various functions and events. We are affiliated with the Polish Association of Cabramatta. Podhale's instructors have over 10 years teaching experience and are fully qualified through Polish and Australian Dance Institutions.

For more information, please visit our website or contact Ania Iglinski on 0422 409 908.

Wieczor Informacyjny

"Zespol Podhale serdecznie zaprasza osoby zainteresowane na wieczor informacjyny o Zespole w piatek 17-tego Lutego miedzy 6-ta a 7-ma wieczorem dla grupy sredniej i malej, a miedzy 7-ma i 8-ma dla grupy starszej: bedzie okazja zapoznac sie z czlonkami, nauczycielami, zobaczyc choreografie, stroje, dowiedziec sie o czlonkowstwie i sprobowac polskich tancow.

Obecny bedzie rowniez Filip Boguszewicz, jeden z prowadzacych grupe Polskich Harcerzy w Liverpool, ktory bedzie mogl udzielic informacje na temat dzialalnosci tej grupy i ewentualnych zapisow do harcerstwa.

Jesli pora wieczoru infromacyjnego nie odpowiadalaby komus - zapraszamy na ktoras z naszych prob - grupy mala i srednia cwicza w czwartki a grupa starsza w piatki.

W tym roku Podhale celebruje 3 rocznice istnienia i wybiera sie na Festiwal Polart do Perth w Grudniu tego roku co stanowi dobra okazja do przylaczenia sie do grupy.

Zespol cwiczy w Sali Orla Bialego w Cabramatta i patronuje mu Zwiazek Polski w Cabramatta. Podhale prowadza wykwalifikowani nauczyciele-choreografowie z ponad 10 letnim doswiadczeniem w tej dziedzinie.

Wiecej informacji mozna znalezc na naszej stronie internetowej, zadzwonic do Ani Iglinskiej 0422 409 908, lub po prostu przyjsc do nas w piatek.