We are delighted to invite you to attend the Australian Public Premiere of the Katyn documentary film The Officer’s Wife at the 2012 Indie Gems Film Festival. Presented in association with Kresy-Siberia (Australia), the film will screen at 7.00pm on Friday 27th July at Riverside Theatre, Parramatta (corner Church & Market Streets).
We are very honoured that Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney, Daniel Gromann, will attend the event and introduce the film.
The Officer’s Wife is a final testament to the memory of those who perished in the 1940 massacre of captive Polish army officers by the Soviet authorities in the Katyn Forest and in many other other places of cold-blooded murder. It is also a tribute to their families and to the perseverance of the human spirit. The film’s director and Kresy-Siberia member, Piotr Uzarowicz, is the grandson of an Army Officer who was amongst the nearly 22,000 executed prisoners. “The film is a collision of truth, justice and memory. Cecylia and my father, like most other survivors, were only able to have their memories. Truth and justice remain evasive”, says Piotr. There will also be a statement filmed by Piotr to introduce the film.
A conversation with Piotr Uzarowicz
The Indie Gems Festival is a competitive film event that screens Australian and International films. Its Founder, John L. Simpson, says “I was very moved by The Officer’s Wife and it’s a revelation for those who don’t know the history about the atrocities committed against Polish military and civilians”.
The Ostashkov Monastyr | As most of you will know, the Kresy-Siberia Foundation is an international, not-for-profit charity dedicated to researching, remembering and recognising the citizens of Poland who struggled for freedom and survival in the eastern borderlands and in exile during World War II. Central amongst these are the Katyn Massacre victims, their families and all others deported, arrested and killed by the Soviet Union. Following the film, Kresy-Siberia Founding President, Stefan Wisniowski, will give a brief introduction to its mission and work.
Film tickets can be purchased for $15 online at www.riversideparramatta.com.au/performance.asp?pID=1883
or by calling Riverside Theatre on (02) 8839 3399.
Each ticket includes admission to a special reception after the film, sponsored by Vitek Vodka and Grill’d Parramatta.
We hope that you can join us at this special event and thank you for your support.
Kind regards Anna Pacewicz, Director Anna.Pacewicz@Kresy-Siberia.org
Established to inspire, promote and support research, remembrance and recognition of Polish citizens' struggles in the Eastern Borderlands and in Exile during World War 2.