Jutro 28 lipca 2012 r. na Uniwersytecie Narodowym (ANU) w Canberze odbędzie się sympozjum ACT and Region Annual Australian Heritage Partnership, którego tematem przewodnim będzie "Valuing Heritage: Advocating for community attachment in planning". Dwójka działaczy "Kościuszko Heritage Inc." Urszula Lang i Andrzej Kozek wygłoszą referat ilustrowany (prezentacja ppt) na temat: "The significance of Mt Kosciuszko as a Special Place to the Polish community in Australia". Sympozjum odbędzie się w godzinach od 9 rano do 5 pm w Sir Rowland Wilson Building Theatre, Bldg 120, ANU campus.Zainteresowani mogą skontaktować się z organizatorką Helen Cooke tel. 6125 2458, mobile 0408 443 243.
Summary: In multicultural Australia, caring about the cultural heritage of all Australians is particularly
interesting and colourful because of our diversity. The Polish community feels that it bears
responsibility not only to document its contribution to the Australian culture and our joint welfare
but also to maintain the historical heritage of early Polish explorers of Australia. Particular care is
needed to correctly document and appreciate the heritage of Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki, who
first identified and named the highest peak of Australia, Mt Kosciuszko, after an international hero,
fighter for democracy, equal rights and freedom - General Tadeusz Kosciuszko.
Australia deserves to
know more about both these men and about their stand for the ideas of which modern Australia is
so proud. Our talk will explain why.
With this heritage in mind the Polish community is proud to build friendly cultural relations with
Ngarigo People, the traditional owners of the Monaro country, where Mt Kosciuszko is located.
Authors: Ursula Lang Ursula Lang has worked for Local Government for over 30 years. In her current role as Urban
Renewal Manager for the Rhodes Peninsula, in the City of Canada Bay, she is responsible for
reviewing and guiding the planning outcomes relating to the Rhodes West area, on the eastern side
of Homebush Bay opposite the Sydney Olympic town centre, in the City of Canada Bay in Inner
Western Sydney. Prior to its remediation, it was one of the most contaminated sites in the
southern hemisphere. In the years 2002-2006, Ursula worked as an Executive Planner dealing with
| major developments at Ku-ring-gai Council, and from 1997-2002 in a dual Statutory/Strategic Role
with Bankstown Council looking after urban renewal in the Revesby Town Centre. Ursula has a
Degree in Applied Science (Environmental Planning) from Charles Sturt University.
Ursula is a first-generation Polish-Australian, born in Sydney of Polish parents who migrated to
Australia as Displaced Persons after the War. Passionate about Polish culture, she has been Artistic
Director of a Polish Folk Dance Ensemble in Sydney, called “Lajkonik”, established over 22 years ago
by her. She is also co-author of a submission to the Department of Heritage in 2008 which resulted
in augmentation of the draft Statement of Significance associated with Mt Kosciuszko and the Alps,
to include why the name of “Kosciuszko” is important in the finalisation of the Statement of
National Significance. In 2011, Ursula received the highest citizen award from the Polish
Government, the Golden Cross of Merit, for her work in promoting Polish culture amongst Polish Australian youth, and for her work as a member of the Kosciuszko Heritage Incorporated organisation.
Andrzej Kozek. Andrzej Stefan Kozek, born and educated in Poland; Master of Chemistry (1968), Master of
Mathematics (1970) both from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, PhD (1973) and Habilitation in
Mathematical Sciences (1983), both from the Polish Academy of Sciences. Employed at the
Department of Physical Chemistry of the Jagiellonian University (1968-1970), Mathematical
Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences (1970-1983), 1981-1983 in Cologne, Germany awarded
a Humboldt Foundation Grant, Institute of Computer Sciences of University of Wroclaw (1983-
1993). Visiting Professor at the University of Texas at El Paso (1991-1992) and at the University of
Arkansas at Fayetteville (1982-1983). Visited about 40 countries, published about 40 research
In 1993 moved to Australia and since 1995 an Australian citizen. Employed from 1993 at
the Department of Statistics at Macquarie University, from 2003 on as Associate Professor. From
2007 a Founder Member of the "Cultural Foundation of Puls Polonii", continued since 2011 as
"Kosciuszko Heritage Inc." Since 2007 took part in all Kosciuszko Festivals (Kozzie Fest). Co-author of
submissions to the National Heritage List: Australian Alps National Parks and Reserves about the
cultural heritage of the Polish community in Australia in the Mt Kosciuszko region and to the
Australian Dictionary of Biography rectifying a biography of Sir Paul Edmund de Strzelecki. Hobby:
bush walking and photography. Married to Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek, the President of the
Kosciuszko Heritage Inc and the chief organizer of the Kosciuszko Festivals. One son, Krzysztof, is
also living in Australia.