Photo Wolter Peeters | W artykule Andrew Taylora czytamy o renowacji marmurowego popiersia Williama Wentwortha, który 200 lat temu odkrył drogę poprzez Góry Błękitne. Na zdjęciu widzimy popiersie podróżnika i odkrywcy oraz twarz konserwatora zabytków, którym jest znana postać w Polonii, Grzegorz Dąbrowa.
A artykule zamieszczonym w SMH 16 lutego czytamy m.in.
NSW Parliament treasures show people and politics were not always well separated, writes Andrew Taylor.
A bust of the explorer and politician William Wentworth has also been restored to mark the 200th anniversary of his expedition to cross the Blue Mountains in 1813. N SW politics has never been for the faint-hearted, but it is hard to imagine Barry O'Farrell settling a political dispute with a pistol.Yet his 19th-century predecessor, Stuart Donaldson, then a member of the Legislative Council, did not hesitate when challenged to a duel by an irate Thomas Mitchell, the NSW surveyor-general.
The two men argued first in the letters pages of the Herald before turning to their pistols in Centennial Park in 1851, according to the manager of NSW's parliamentary records and archives, Nicola Forbes.''Several shots were fired by both of them but no one was injured,'' she says.
A wszystko to w kontekscie wielkiej historycznej wystawy, jaka dzisiaj zostanie otwarta w Parliament House. Wystawa "Twenty Five: Stories from Australia's Parliament" bedzie czynna do marca.
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