On 12 February 2013 the eyes of the artistic world will be on the National Arts Summit Arts Quest - Height and Hopes to be held in Canberra. It will be live-streamed nationally by the Australian Dept. of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations. The Minister for School Education, Early Childhood and Youth The Hon. Peter Garrett AM MP has been invited to give the keynote address. Other confirmed speakers include: Robyn Archer AO, Professors David Throsby and Claudia Visca; Don Aitkin AO, Lisa Colley, Hugh Mackay (paper read in absentia), Richard Gill OAM and Monica Penders. Les Murray will recite his poetry. The Summit’s theme “Living and Learning Creatively – Shaping Our Future Together” will cover the results of the National Arts Survey and prepare key recommendations to the developing National Cultural Policy.
see the website
There will be a grand finale in an artistic production Thank You Canberra. Your participation in this arts survey will make a huge difference in shaping the National Cultural Policy in Australia and to your artistic future. Each response will be looked at individually and valued in the context of needed changes, but will be kept confidential.
Please take a few minutes to complete this brief, two-question survey:
To come to the event please register
Take a peak at this short video on YouTube
Add your voice to those of your fellow artists and help shape your futures together!Please forward this appeal to your colleagues and those passionate about all the art forms in Australia!
Wanda Horky Assistant Director National Arts Summit M: 0438 195 183 P: 02 6259 5099