Ze Świata
Z Polski
Z Australii

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Konkurs Strzeleckiego:



14 maja 2013
W obronie życia
spotkania z Kowalewskimi w Melbourne

Stowarzyszenie „Nasza Polonia” wraz z Rektorem Polskiej Misji Katolickiej i księżmi Chrystusowcami zaprasza na wykład dr Ewy Kowalewskiej i dr Lecha Kowalewskiego "Peregrynacja Ikony Częstochowskiej Od Oceanu do Oceanu przez świat w obronie zycia znakiem walki duchowej XXI wieku". Essendon sobota 25 maja godzina 16,30. Keysborough niedziela 26 maja godzina 12,30. Państwo Kowalewscy przyjechali do Sydney na Swiatowy Kongres Rodzin.

Ewa Kowalewska and Lech Kowalewski. They represent pro-life movements from Poland and from the Eastern and Central Europe. They are cofounders and members of the Board of Directors of Polish Federation of Pro-Life Movements which associates 130 organizations. They have also played the role of experts in parliamentary commissions for the introduction of legal protection for unborn children in Poland.They also represent the Polish Association of Natural Family Planning Teachers. They are tutors and work in family counseling.

They collaborate with the Pontifical Council for the Family, with the Episcopal Council for the Family in Poland, in Russia, in Ukraine and other countries of the region. Many times they have been representatives of Polish Bishops' Conference at international conferences and pro-life meetings.

They have also participated in the UN conferences in Copenhagen, Beijing, Istanbul and Rome. They have organized many big pro-life congresses in Warsaw, Moscow and Kiev. The last one was the World Congress of Families IV in Warsaw which gathered over 4000 participants from more than 60 countries.

Lech Kowalewski is a member of The Board of Directors of International Right to Life Federation.

Ewa Kowalewska is the Executive Director of Human Life International - Poland, a regional pro-life office for Eastern and Central Europe and for the countries of former Soviet Union. She is also a President of Forum of Polish Women, the organization which associates 57 Catholic women organizations in Poland.

They have translated into Polish many pro-life materials and are the authors of numerous Polish language publications.

Since the year 2012 they are the coordinators of the pilgrimage of Czestochowa icon "From Ocean to Ocean" - from Vladivostok to Fatima in defense of life. The first stage of the pilgrimage ended on April 8, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Portugal. Icon traveled 65 thousand. Kilometers visited 24 countries in Asia and Europe. She met with about 4 million people. This is the longest pilgrimage of this type in the world. Currently being prepared is the next stage to the U.S.A. There are also plans to visit Australia.

Ewa graduated from philology of Polish literature, she is also an editor and a journalist. Lech is a computer engineer. They have three children and one son-in-law.