Polish Ex-Servicemen Association, Sub-Branch No 1 in Sydney is currently preparing an exhibition for the 100th anniversary of the ANZAC and participation of Polish Armed Forces and Polish individuals together with Australians. We would like to invite all people who have memorabilia (photos, letters, documents etc.) and those who would like to be involved in the preparations to our meetings which are being held on every Saturday at 2 PM in the Polish House in Ashfield.
Thank you Polish Ex-Servicemen Association Sub-Branch No 1 in Sydney
SPK Kolo Nr 1 w Sydney pracuje nad organizacja wystawy z okazji 100 lecia ANZAC oraz o udziale Polakow we wspolnej walce o wolnosc z Austalijczykami. Osoby zainteresowane tym tematem oraz tych, ktorzy posiadaja jakies pamiatki jak zdjecia, listy itd, zapraszamy na spotkania ktore beda sie odbywac w kazda sobote od godz. 2-giej po poludniu w Domu Polskim w Ashfield.