Polish Folklore Ensemble Podhale held its 5th End of Year Luncheon and Concert on Sunday 8th December 2013 at its home base, the White Eagle Hall in Cabramatta. In January 2014, the Ensemble will celebrate 5 years since inception and will commence 5 year celebrations with its annual picnic in January 2014, a special luncheon in March and a Ball later in the year.
The End of Year Luncheon and Concert 2013 began with a prayer and blessing of the food by Ks Krzysztof Chwalek, who was soon after presented with flowers and a card as a thank you for his support. Flowers and a Certificate of Appreciation were also presented to Pani Krystyna Cyron, the President of the Cabramatta Polish Association, as a sign of deep gratitude for the Patronage and the very generous and ongoing support that has been offered by the Association, as well as the Seniors of Cabramatta and surrounds.
Our hard working parents provided a delightful meal and received a much deserved honourable mention during the event for their tremendous efforts over the last 5 years with the running of the Ensemble and its fabulous luncheons.
The artistic program opened with a regal, 8 couple, Welcome Polonaise (Polonez Powitalny), followed by a splendid Mazur duet performed by Jessica Polak and Filip Boguszewicz.
Just 2 weeks earlier, Podhale held a Debutante Ball, at which the Debutantes and their Partners performed a Viennese Waltz. The Waltz was consequently taught to Podhale performers and presented again to a much appreciative audience at the End of Year Concert, where applause broke out throughout the performance.
Next, it was turn for the Junior Group to perform and they did so in tremendous style. They performed Tance Gorali Zywieckich for the first time and had the audience clapping from the very start of the dance, increasing even more as the young performers staged awe-inspiring acrobatics during the Hajduk (the King of Zywiec dances).
Time for a group photo and then onto the next part of the program, where the Junior Group premiered Krakowiaczek with the Lajkonik. One of the many talented parents of Podhale, had made a beautiful Lajkonik to allow the young Podhale performers to widen their cultural experience and to become accustomed with the popular symbol of Krakow. The Krakowiaczek with the Lajkonik choreography delivered another element, creating much excitement for the young performers and audience alike.
The Senior Group returned to the dance floor with a cheeky dance of the Lasowiak Folk in Tance Lasowiackie and after a short break, the Junior Group performed Tance Kaszubskie (dances of Kaszuby), whilst the Senior Group performed Tance Spiskie (dances of Spisz).

The audience sang Christmas Carols whilst the performers changed into the next costume. The next part of the program delivered the premier of 2 new dances: Tance Opoczynskie for the Junior Group, who looked adorable in their new Opoczno costumes and Sokoly Ogniem i Mieczem presented by the Senior Group with great enthusiasm and vigour. The first time Sokoly was ever performed was in 2001 when it was choreographed by Basia Gadd for the Sydney Mark II Ensemble. Since then, Basia had created many versions of this dance, one of which was performed in Polart Hobart. At this years End of Year concert, Podhale had performed yet another version of Sokoly to call its own, with boys depicting the strength of the warriors from the movie Ogniem i Mieczem and the girls depicting the picking of flowers from the fields of Eastern Europe.
A quick visit from Santa to a lively group of children and then the final dance item: Tance Gorali Zywieckich, this time by the Senior Group, starting with a Violin solo by the immensely talented Adrian Wosik, right through to the Hajduk where the boys jumped over the palice (mountain walking sticks) and their hats.
Thank you to everyone who attended the concert and likewise any of our fundraisers held throughout this year. We thank all of the wonderful parents who are the backbone of this organisation, finely tuning its operations to ensure ongoing growth and development. We thank all of the organisation that support Podhale: Cabramatta Polish Association, Cabramatta Seniors, Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Sydney, Steric Pty Ltd, distributor of Staminade, Blum Foundation, SPK Foundation and J & S Prime Choice Motors, plus the many wonderful individuals who help in so many different ways.
Podhale would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year 2014.
Committee of Podhale Polish Folklore Ensemble