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4 lutego 2014
Kto znał Nicka Karpiniuka?
poszukiwany przez Channel 7
Apel do Polonii. Czy ktoś ze starszego pokolenia znał Pana Karpiniuka, który pracował w latach 60-tych na budowie Snowy Hydro Scheme. Czy był Polakiem, czy może Ukraińcem, Rosjaninem - może ktoś wie, może ktoś o nim słyszał. Pilnie prosimy o kontakt z Rekacją Pulsu Polonii. Piszcie do nas na adres: Poniżej list, jaki dostalismy z TV Channel 7.

I am working on a Channel 7 series called Australia-The Story of Us. Essential Media and Entertainment is producing the 8 hour series. One of our stories is on the Snowy Mountains Scheme and includes a terrible shaft accident (falling pipes loaded with concrete) December 21st 1963 , at the Island Bend Dam Site. There were 3 fatalities. One of the survivors was Nick Karpiniuk - I think he was the foreman on the job. We are presuming he is Polish and I am wondering how we can get in contact with him (if he is still alive) or with someone who knows him and his family.

We are scripting at the moment and I would be delighted to hear from anyone with any information on him as soon as possible please.

Lesley Holden

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