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22 lutego 2014
Statut Klubu Polskiego w Ashfield
Memorandum of Association of Polish Club Limited

Publikujemy niniejszym Statut Klubu Polskiego w Ashfield. Kliknij tutaj, aby uzyskać dostęp do dokumentu.

Statut został jednocześnie opublikowany na stronie internetowej Klubu Polskiego w Ashfield - tutaj

A poniżej kilka wypisków ze Statutu. Na stronie 6 Statutu par. 8 (Rights of Members) czytamy "Full Members shall be entitled to exercise all the privileges of the Club including the right to vote at any General Meeting of the Club and to be elected to the Committee or any Sub-Committee of the Club except as restricted by these Articles.
Associate Members shall have no rights to vote at any General Meeting of the Club nor to be elected to the Committee of the Club, but shall otherwise be entitled to exercise all the other privileges of the Club membership including the rights to be elected to, and to vote (if elected) at the meeting of, any Sub-Committee established pursuant to Article 63 hereof.

Na stronach 6-7 mamy informację nt. "Application for Membership".
"Every candidate for membership (other than as a Life Member, Foundation Member, Honorary or Temporary Member) shall be nominated by two Full Members of the Club. An application for membership shall be signed by the candidate and by two Full Members sponsoring him. The application shall contain a declaration that the applicant has read and if admitted as a member agrees to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of the Association of the Club and shall be in such form and contain such particulars as the Committee may from time to time direct. The names and addresses of person nominated for membership shall be displayed in a conspicuous place on the Club premises for at least seven days before their admission as members and no person shall be admitted as a member until after the expiry of a period of at least fourteen (14) days from his proposal.
The application shall be submitted to and may be approved or rejected by the Committee at a duly convened meeting of the Committee and if approved the Candidate shall be elected the member of the Club by the resolution of the Committee and a record shall be kept by the Honorary Secretary of the names of the members present and voting at the meeting. The Committee shall not be bound to give any reason for a rejection of any application."

I dalej na stronie 7: "Subject to article 4 (a) herein the Committee may on the written application of a member transfer that member from any class of membership (other than Honorary or Temporary Membership) to another class of membership for which he has been found eligible by the Committee."

Jeszcze na str. 7. "A Register of the Full Members of the Club for the time being shall be kept by the Honorary Secretary on the Club premises and shall be opened at any time for inspection by any member or any person duly authorised under the Registered Clubs Act, 1976.
The Register shall be called the Register of Full Members and shall state the name in full, the occupation and the address of each Full Member of the Club and the date on he last paid the annual subscription fee for membership of the Club."

Skreślenie z Rejestru Członków (s.8) "The Committee may remove from the appropriate Register of Members any member whose annual subscription fee is unpaid at the expiration of two month from the date upon which it became due."

O zawieszeniu i wyrzuceniu członka mamy informacje na stronie 8.
"The Committee shall have power to suspend either for a fixed period or indefinitely or to expel any member if in their opinion – (a) His conduct is in disobedience of these Articles or any By-Laws or regulations and interest of the Club or is calculated to bring the Club into disrepute or contempt; or (b) His membership was obtained by improper means or without the required qualifications; or (c) He is not desirable as a member of the Club; or (d) He has knowingly introduced any person into the activities of the Club who has been expelled from or has been refused membership or admission to the Club; or (e) He has become a bankrupt or has committed any act of bankruptcy; or (f) He becomes a patient or an incapable person or a mentally ill person within the meaning of these terms in the Mental Health Act, 1950 of New South Wales or any enactment by which the Act is replaced. 22. The President or Honorary Secretary or any Vice-President or in their absence any two members of the Committee or the Duty Officer may reprimand or suspend until the date of next scheduled Committee Meeting, and if necessary effect the removal of, any member who in the opinion has rendered himself liable to be dealt with by the Committee under paragraph (a) of Article 21."

Strona 10. Jak się zwołuje Zebranie Nadzwyczajne (Extraordinary General Meeting).
"The Committee may whenever they think fit or shall upon a requisition made in writing by not less than 5% of members or (200) members, whichever shall be the lower, convene an Extraordinary General Meeting.
36. A requisition made pursuant to the preceding Article shall state the objects of the meeting and shall be signed by the requisitionists and deposited at the registered office of the Club and may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more requisitionists.
37. If the committee does not within twenty-one - (21) days from the date of the deposit of the requisition duly proceed to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting the requisitionists or any of them representing more than one-half of the number of such requisitionists may themselves convene an Extraordinary General Meeting but any meeting so convened shall not be held after the expiration of three months from the day of deposit of the requisition."

Opublikowany Statut to rozpis (transcribed) w formacie A4 z oryginału, który ma kształt wąskiej książeczki. Cały materiał jest przepisany, a nie zeskanowany. W oryginale dokument liczy 20 stron. W transkrypcji A4 - 16 stron.

Polecamy lekturę Statutu w całości.