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16 marca 2014
MH 370 Cyber-highjacked? (updated)
The Sydney Morning Herald & portal Dakowskiego
Flight MH370 could have fallen victim to the world’s first ‘‘cyber-hijack’’, with a British anti-terrorist expert saying a plane could be taken over using a mobile phone or USB stick.Former Home Office scientific adviser Dr Sally Leivesley said hackers could change the plane’s speed, altitude and direction by sending radio signals to its flight management system.It could then be landed or made to crash by remote control, Dr Leivesley told the Sunday Express in London.

Read the whole article - here

Dlaczego porwano Malaysia Airlines Flight 370? Z powodu pasażerów.Na pokładzie była cała czołówka pewnej chińskiej firmy, z centralą w Teksasie. Firma produkuje, a właściwie projektuje układy scalone, najbardziej zaawansowane na świecie. Firma ma na swoim koncie kilka tysięcy patentów i tak się składa, że jej chińscy wynalazcy złożyli w grudniu 2012 wniosek o rejestrację patentu na maksymalizację upakowania matryc na monokrysztale krzemu. Wchodzą w grę nie tylko wielkie pieniądze, ale także przełomowa technologia.

Wang Peidong, Chen Zhijun, Cheng Zhihong oraz Ying Li z Souzhu, czyli wszyscy wynalazcy z prawami do patentu, byli na pokładzie samolotu, który zniknął z radarów 8 marca. Całkiem przypadkowo trzy dni później zarejestrowano przełomowy patent. Jego jedynym dysponentem i właścicielem, jeśli wynalazcy się nie odnajdą, będzie ich pracodawca, bowiem nieżyjący nie mają głosu w sprawach swoich wynalazków.

W mojej opinii samolot został uprowadzony przy wykorzystaniu technologii antyporwaniowej [sic!], umożliwiającej zdalne sterowanie samolotem, które modele Boeinga serii 700 mają wbudowane standardowo. Zniknął z radarów [niektórych] oczywiście nie dzięki ingerencji niebios, ale z powodu świadomego sabotażu elektronicznego, czyli wojny elektronicznej w postaci samolotu AWACs, zagłuszającego i/lub udającego [spoofing] sygnały kontrolne, a pasażerowie po wylądowaniu porwani.


JIM STONE ANALYSIS: Freescale semiconductor is actually a large company with many divisions. The most credible information out there points to two possibilities with one central binding theme -

The central binding theme is that these employees did not work in the energy sector, they worked with advanced military technologies. One branch was for data security and may have been attempting to circumvent the NSA, and the other branch worked in cloaking technology for stealth applications.

When I was at the NSA, they very clearly stated that the best engineering teams out there consisted of 4 or 5 people and NO MORE. So the plane obviously would not have all people from freescale working on the same team. There would have been, with 20 employees, 4 or 5 separate engineering teams aboard assigned to different tasks. This could be why there are so many different explanations for what all the employees actually did, and you know they had to at least be engineers because Freescale would not load floor sweepers or assemblers onto a jet.

My best guess is that the people worked in defense. And I have a pretty good reason for thinking so - Malaysia is an amazingly advanced country. You might not think so because you have never been told but Malaysia is in fact so advanced a country that ever since the early 90's Malaysia has made many and at times ALL processors for both Intel and AMD. How much higher than that can you get?

So here we have two countries, Malaysia and China, with a top flight electronics engineering firm, Freescale semiconductor, and 20 missing engineers on a vanished plane. I'd say this was probably a military takedown by the United States. And I'd bet the plane was remote hijacked and flown to a runway somewhere. THAT is why the cell phones still ring and you can bet the black op NSA knows exactly where they are. All the modern planes can be taken over via remote, they all have back doors now and the NSA is there only to rape and rob you, they are NOT your friends, you will NOT be told where this plane is.

The plane vanishing from radar had nothing to do with the plane's electronics going dead, it most likely had a LOT more to do with an AWACS plane making it vanish from radar and taking it over. AWACS can do that. And if the plane's electronics went dead that would NOT make it vanish from radar, I don't know where all the stupidity on this topic evolved, MYLAR BALLOONS HAVE NO ELECTRONICS, AND THEY SHOW UP ON RADAR CLEAR AS DAY. AIRPLANES DO NOT NEED TO HAVE A TRANSPONDER FOR RADAR TO WORK AT ALL. THE TRANSPONDER IS ONLY FOR TELLING GROUND CONTROL THE NAME OF THE AIRPLANE. DEAD ELECTRONICS ON A PLANE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT BEING ON RADAR. if you read an article saying the plane vanished because it's transponder switched off, run from the writer as fast as your brain can move, that writer is either too stupid to pay attention to or fake.

SO, we have a plane that vanished from radar while at altitude. No tracking pieces falling, no descent into the sea, NADA, it just VANISHED. PIECES OR IT DID NOT HAPPEN AND IT WAS INSTEAD AWACS AND AN ELECTRONIC HIJACKING FOR MILITARY PURPOSES. Until this plane turns up in the jungle it's in once piece on a runway somewhere, probably an American runway on one of the many bases America has everywhere and the engineers are being debriefed and told about the new life they are going to have, their families are going to have, or they are dead.

Some more - read here

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