Tadeusz Rackiewicz (Krzyż Virtuti Militari) z konsulem generalnym RP Danielem Gromanem w dniu dekoracji 16 sierpnia 2012 | It is with great sadness that I wish to tell you of the passing of Tadeusz Rackiewicz (Ted Rixon) last week.
Please accept my apologies for the short notice. A funeral mass will be held at St Michaels Catholic Church Banks Road
Matraville at 10:00am on Wednesday 9 July (tomorrow).
This will be followed by refreshments and reminiscences at
Graphic Arts Club, Coward Street, Mascot 2020.
Please see the attached notice and please let me know if you are able to attend the mass and/or the reception afterwards.
Regards Robert Rixon 0423 077 177 (02) 9317-5040
Dokument PDF. Niezwykła historia życia Powstańca Warszawskiego. A story of the Warsaw Uprising hero.
LINKS to our publications:
A photogallery
Another gallery
View from the Parkes town
Widok z miasteczka Parkes
Decorated on August 16th, 2012
Long story about Ted