North Shore Polish Saturday School (NSPSS) will be commencing a Polish language course for adults at the beginners' level. The course will run over 18 weeks with classes held on Saturdays from 9am to 11am at our North Ryde Public School Cox’s Rd North Ryde Course starting on 19th July at 9am – 6 December 2014. If you are interested in learning Polish language, please reply to the below email address to register. The preferable method of payment is by electronic payment to our account. Cash will be accepted on Saturday on discretion.
Bank: St George Account name: North Shore Polish Saturday School BSB: 112-879 Account number: 151363036
The School Treasurer is Ela Talar and confirmation of payment should be addressed to her
by email: and copy to me.
The Invoice for the fee will be sent by email unless you have a special request for a printed copy.
Elizabeth Cesarski North Shore Polish Saturday School PO Box 6199 North Ryde NSW 2113 Tel/Fax:(61 2 ) 80650107 Mob: 040238 7034 Email: