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Szukanie Rozszerzone
Strzelecki Competition:



26 kwietnia 2015
History Festival. Polskie wystawy w Adelaide
History Festival 2015 from May 1-31

Threads that Bind us: An Exhibition of Polish Folkloric Costume. An exhibition of post-war Polish migration celebrating their culture through folkloric costume, either lovingly made or brought to South Australia. Parents would ensure children attending functions dressed in Polish regional dress. Many Polish groups would share their culture and language through teaching children music, song and dance in colourful traditional regional dress of Poland.

Exhibition presented by Polish Hill River Church Museum, Fri 1 to Sun 17 May: Sat to Thu 10am-6pm; Fri 10am-9pm Dom Polski Centre, 232 Angas St, Adelaide (between Frome & Hutt St).

More about this event - here

Contact: Edward Dudzinski 0401 411 754, & Irena Sosnowski, ph. 8336 1601, & website:

Kitchen to the Vote
From the kitchen to the right to vote. A display of a pioneer's kitchen with memorabilia of the time. The struggle of women's lives, and the underappreciated acknowledgement of what they endured. Polish women of the area would eventually gain more freedom and be included in the financial running and rights of their lives due to the suffragettes in Adelaide. Event type - Open day, Display/exhibition presented by Polish Hill River Church Museum
Sat 2, Sun 3, Sun 17, Sun 24, Sun 31 May, 10am-4pm Polish Hill River Church Museum, Polish Hill Rd, Sevenhill Cost: Gold coin donation. Contact: Maryann Greven ph. 8363 6485,

Dozens of fantastic events over May 2015 - just here