1.ORAVA QUARTET CONCERT in Ashfield, organized by Society of the Arts, Thursday 28 May 7:30 pm,
Delmar Gallery, Trinity Grammar School, 144 Victoria St.
2.ORAVA QUARTET CONCERT in Camden, Friday 29 May 7 pm,
Mater Dei Chapel, 229 Macquarie Grove Rd, Camden. admission : adult $20 concession $15, children under 12 $5.
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Ostatnio kwartet "Orava" założony przez rodzeństwo Kowalików odniósł wielki sukces na Musica Viva Festival 2015. Poniżej cytujemy znakomitą recenzję opublikowaną w "Limelight" Magazine Review (Musica Viva Festival 2015, concert 4, 11 April 2015):
Performed by ORAVA QUARTET: “delivering a performance of a truly world –class calibre.The level of precision , commitment and palpable enthusiasm for this music displayed by Orava Quartet is tremendously impressive for such a young group. We are blessed with some excellent quartets Down Under- the Goldner Quartet, the Acacia Quartet, the Australian String Quartet to name just few, but we should feel extremely fortunate to now have a group with such indisputable talent add to the roster. The consistently impressive displays the Oravas have given this weekend for Musica Viva surely cement a reputation for this ensemble as one of the finest in the country.”
Bądźmy dumni! Wybierzmy sie obejrzeć i posłuchać młodych, a już tak sławnych muzyków, zanim znów wyfruną za granicę!