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25 maja 2015
Szukamy potomków Aleksandra Frenzel
Nasza redakcja otrzymała pro¶bę o pomoc w poszukiwaniu dziadka poszukiwanego przez wnuka R.B. Frencla, który mieszka w Londynie. Dziadek zmarł w 1968 roku, ale może jaki¶ jego potomek mieszka w Australii...Jak pisze rodak z Londynu: - my grandfather who died in Australia in the 1960s ( R/N 5352/1968, [b]Alexander Frenzel, 55 years old, died Summer Hill, Sydney is the official record I managed to get hold of) and settled there, probably with his partner Alexandra Frenzel (her name was probably invented around 1945, she was most likely an ethnic Russian living in Lodz, Poland/Germany around 1940-1945 after they both came to Australia in 1948 was most likely active among Australian Poles and perhaps Germans (he seemed to be part-Jewish but assimilated to the point of joining the German Army). If you have any suggestions as to whom I could contact to check if they knew him in the '50s or '60s I would be really grateful - clubs, parishes etc. - I will be grateful for ANY suggestions! I managed to track someone who knew him and wrote me a letter but that was about 25 years ago and after so many years I cannot even find the letter he sent me around 1990... Mr RB Frencel - kontakt: