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Strzelecki Competition:



27 maja 2015
Tytuł koncertu "Love actually"
Subject of ‘Love’ in music

Zespół The Sydney Consort serdecznie zaprasza na koncert z programem przygotowanym na występy w Europie. W tym roku zespół ma zaszczyt koncertować na festiwalach i zorganizowanych koncertach w Danii, w Niemczech oraz w Polsce. Przez dwa intenstywne tygodnie zespół będzie prezentował program Love Actually na dziesięciu koncertach w krajach europejskich.

W programie najbardziej interesujące utwory skomponowane na violę d‘amore i obój d’amore wraz z kompozycją polskiego Anonima przy muzykującym udziale fletu i klawesynu. Barokowe kompozycje z różnych europejskich krajów zaprezentują swój elegancki styl oraz ‚miłosną‘ harmonię w formach muzyki kameralnej.

Przed wyjazdem zespół wykona "Love Actually" program w czterech różnych miejscach:

Niedziela 25 maj 14.30 – Św. Franciszek Xawery, BERRIMA

Piątek 29 maj godz. 20.00 – Św. Augustyn, Eaton Street, BALMAIN

Niedziela 31 maj godz. 19.00–Wesley Music Centre, 20 National Circuit, FORREST (ACT)

Niedziela 7 czerwiec 14.30 – Pearl Beach Music Festival, PEARL BEACH (Central Coast)

Jane Downer obój d'amore & obój barokowy
Hans-Dieter Michatz flet
Stan W. Kornel viola d'amore & skrzypce barokowe
Monika Kornel klawesyn

Bilety online lub przed koncertem.

Balmain: Canberra: Pearl Beach:

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Serdecznie zapraszamy i życzymy przyjemnego słuchania.

Never say that the baroque era produced no surprises; the inventiveness of its composers and the sheer volume and variety of composition is extraordinary, as this programme will demonstrate. Subject of ‘Love’ in music was explored in many music compositions throughout the centuries. Through careful selection of the most interesting works by d'amore composers, this program offers a fresh and mesmerising perspective of their compositions.

The Sydney Consort presents the most interesting works for oboe d’amore & viola d’amore in association with recorder and harpsichord in "full of love" music from the 18th century. The mix of baroque compositions from different European countries will display their elegancy and ‘loving’ harmony in their chamber display.

A programme of music focused on the exploration of some of the most dramatic and passionate repertoire for d’amore instruments and ‘Love’ element in music. These once forgotten or neglected works are having now their ultimate resurrection, full of colour, simmering tension and silvery sound.

Jane Downer received a BA (Modern Languages) and BMus Performance (Honours) from the University of Adelaide, and studied oboe with Sharman Pretty and Jiri Tancibudek. She was awarded a Scholarship from the David Reichenberg Trust for baroque oboe tuition with Valerie Darke and Paul Goodwin in the UK. Jane has performed with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra, State Opera of South Australia, Oslo Barokkorkester, Florilegium, English Baroque Soloists, Academy of Ancient Music, Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment, New College Choir, orchestra seventeen88, Australian Classical Era Orchestra, Salut! Baroque, Sydney Consort, and Pinchgut Opera. She has appeared at the Innsbruck Early Music Festival, New England Bach Festival, Organs of the Ballarat Goldfields Festival, Adelaide Festival Fringe and Canberra International Music Festival. As Artistic Director of the Frideswide Ensemble of Oxford, Jane promotes music of the 18th century on historical instruments. Further musical activity includes working as external specialist examiner for the Royal College of Music and Birmingham Conservatoire, as administrator for Orpheus Music in Armidale, and as programme-note writer for the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong. A CD "Harmonische Freude" with her Australian group, Austral Harmony, is due for imminent release.

Hans-Dieter Michatz has been a performer and educator for more years than he cares to remember. His unique blend of a European background and training – his teachers included Ferdinand Conrad, recorder and Barthold Kuijken, baroque flute – and a deep affinity with modern Australian culture have influenced several generations of musicians in his adopted country. As a reputable player of modern and baroque flute as well as recorder, he has performed and recorded with many Orchestras and Early Music groups, e.g as founding member and principal flute with the Australian Brandenburg Orchestra for many years, with Salut Baroque, Ensemble Ecclectus, Melbourne, and The Sydney Consort. Apart from his acclaimed recording of Telemann’s ‘Sonate Metodiche, he features as principal recorder soloist in the ABC Classics recording of Bach’s Brandenburg Concerti and a number of Salut Baroque CD’s. As a conductor, he pioneered landmark premier performances of Handel Oratorios and newly discovered works by J.D. Zelenka, as well as the first Australian performance of Vivaldi’s ‘Dixit Dominus’ RV 807. Hans–Dieter is Classical Coordinator at the Australian Institute of Music (AIM) as well as teaching at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music and Sydney Grammar School. He is also the patron of the Sydney Society of Recorder Players and his work as an arranger of symphonic repertoire for recorder orchestra has been published by MOECK, Germany. As part of annual engagements overseas he has joined the Sydney Consort in Germany, Luxembourg, Scandinavia, Poland and the Baltic States. Forced to discontinue his flute playing due to focal dystonia, Hans–Dieter has recently pioneered performances on the Csakan, a walking stick recorder popular in 19th Century Vienna, in Australia.