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Strzelecki Competition:



15 sierpnia 2015
Odpust w Marayong 30 sierpnia 2015
Feast Day in Marayong 30th August 2015
Ksiądz Henryk Zasiura serdecznie zaprasza wszystkich na doroczny odpust ku czci Najświętszej Maryi Panny Częstochowskiej w niedzielę 30 sierpnia. Koncelebrowana Msza Święta odprawiona będzie o godz. 14:30. Po Mszy zapraszamy do Sali Św. Jana Pawła 2, aby spotkać się i pogawędzić ze znajomymi. Przypominamy, że Polski Kościòł w Marayong jest pod opieką Towarzystwa Chrystusowego: jedyny katolicki zakon na świecie powołany specjalnie do apostolatu na rzecz Polaków przebywających poza granicami Ojczyzny.


This invitation is extended to all people of Polish Heritage, not limited to those living in Greater Sydney and the Blue Mountains, but also in Illawarra (Wollongong), the Hunter Valley (Newcastle, Maitland, Greta, Branxton) and Canberra: an annual family pilgrimage to our Polish Marayong Odpust (Feast Day) is so eminently suitable for you. We would especially welcome a large representation of the children and grandchildren of the Post War migrants at our Marayong Church feast this 30th August, as an act of appreciation for the Polish Catholic Culture bequeathed to them by their parents and grandparents.

They survived the greatest horrors ever inflicted by godless evil upon civilisation. They learned the hard way, the secret to the meaning of life: to know, love and serve God! They bequeathed this magnificent Polish Catholic Complex in Marayong, for your benefit to commemorate their sacrifice over tyranny, which has enabled you to wisely cultivate and fortify your God given freedoms to your advantage (a privilege they never had).

John Molski - Marayong - A Tribute to the Wisdom of Our Pioneers

Fortifying your spirit with God’s sanctifying grace that will energise the goodness in your soul; by correctly participating in the Feast Day of our Polish War Memorial Chapel at Marayong, is the perfect way for you to acknowledge your fore-parents sacrifices allowing you to enjoy a meaningful life.

Look: you’d never expect a fat-to-fit transformation of your body, without rejoicing in a significant commitment to an arduous and painful training regime at the gym. Likewise you need the right attitude, to take full advantage of the spiritual transformation available to you through your active participation at the Eucharistic Sacrifice at Holy Mass during the Odpust at Marayong. Here is some precious information about your benefits to be derived from bringing the right attitude with you:

Look around you! Young people, with no direction in their lives and brains self-poisoned by narcotics are on the increase. Wanton vandalism of others property pollutes your sight everywhere you go. The axis of evil is subtly amassing strength from the spiritually weak that threatens to barbarically destroy the heart of our civilised Polish Culture: the traditional Polish Catholic Family.

People desperately regularly need a blast of the sanctifying grace so freely available at Holy Mass, to steer their lives in the right direction. This is your added benefit in actively participating in Holy Mass during our Marayong Feast Day in the traditional, disciplined and strict Polish way.

Yet there is more. So doing, you will have the emotional privilege to symbolically join in defiant consanguinity with the will of the spirit of those 6,000,000 Polish heroes that sacrificed their lives for your liberty and make a strong statement that evil will never trash their memory. Their values: Bog, Honor, Ojczyzna will always stand victoriously triumphant!

As an added surprise for you and your family and friends, taste the atmosphere at this year’s Odpust (Feast Day) of Our Lady of Częstochowa Queen of Poland, Marayong, as your entré to the main meal. That will happen at next year’s Odpust, when our beloved Polish Marayong Catholic Church celebrates its Golden 50th Anniversary of faithful service to the Polish-Australian community.

John Molski