Odszedł na wieczną wartę śp. Henryk Dutkowski, żołnierz NSZ. Pan Dutkowski brał udział w Powstaniu Warszawskim w oddziale "Bogumiła". Cześć Jego pamięci.
Henryk Dutkowski, alias "Kosowski", platoon officer cadet, during the first phase of the Warsaw Uprising fought in the "Sikorski" regiment and later was attached to the battalion "Bogumiła".
After the collapse of the Warsaw Uprising - being a formal member of the "Narodowe Siły Zbrojne" (National Armed Forces) - Henryk Dutkowski was incarcerated as a prisoner of war, by the Germans.
A Service will be held at St Ignatius Catholic Church, 326 Church Street, Richmond, Australia on Monday, 7th December 2015 at 10:00am.