For the uninitiated performer, PolArt may come as a bit of a shock. Australia’s largest Polish festival is an eight-day celebration of Polish food, culture, and traditions, combining dancing, theatrical arts, literature and much more. But that’s not all it is. PolArt is the collection of similar minds. It is the showcasing of individual and group talent, which aims to reflect the majesty of a deep and rich culture. It is the assembly of individuals from all around Australia, who aim to spread their art, and in this pursuit form lifelong friendships. It is keeping up with the fast-tracked pace of concerts, rehearsals, parties, and recreational group activities that leave those involved breathless and begging for sleep, then completely empty for months after the festival has concluded.
For the performers, it is a goal to aim towards, an ever-increasing bar to set and beat every three years, and for the viewing public, it is a portrayal of heritage amidst a whirl of colour, red lips, and high-pitched squeals.
Approximately a dozen dance ensembles from around Australia celebrate PolArt and converge on a chosen capital city every three years. 2015 marked the third time Melbourne will be hosting the event since PolArt’s conception in 1975, most recently in 1997.
36-year-old Sławek Solarski has attended 5 PolArt festivals during his dancing career, and remembers the 1997 Gala Concert at the Victorian Arts Centre very vividly. “It was a spectacular event, full of passion, colour and life. A bit overwhelming for a first year dancer such as myself,” he says. “Seeing all the other dance groups perform made me appreciate the skill and passion the other groups performing had for Polish folklore. It definitely made an impact on me, making me wish I was as good as some of the more experienced dancers out there.”
Being an avid dancer for the better part of 13 years, Sławek has performed with both of Melbourne’s premier groups, Łowicz Polish Vocal-Dance Ensemble, and Polonez Song and Dance Ensemble. “Łowicz” was the group that first made me fall in love with Polish dancing back when I was 17 years old,” he says. “It really opened a whole new world for me and enriched my life significantly. The group offers excellent support for newcomers and friendships are easily formed with the great people there.”
This enthusiasm for traditional Polish dance has also rubbed off on the extended family, with his wife, brother, sister-in-law, and mother forming a large part of the ensemble and committee. “My wife Henrietta enjoys exercising though dance and playing her violin. Łowicz gives her the opportunity to use her talents and perform on stage. The other reason is that rather than stay home alone on Monday nights while I dance with pretty Polish girls, she was joining in the fun and dancing with handsome Polish guys! Now everything is about to change as we prepare to welcome our own little dancer into this world in a few months’ time. ”
PolArt has changed significantly in the 18 years since Melbourne hosted the event, most notably in the advances in technology and the ability to feel connected even when on the other side of the world. Purpose-driven hashtags such as #polishness have sprung up to help create content for the website, which shows the most up-to-date images on its home page, and there are both public and private Facebook pages to celebrate the festival.
“Access to the internet was restricted back then and social networks virtually non-existent,” agrees Sławek. “Back in 1997 there was no Facebook. Now it should be much easier to organise and participate in PolArt events. And to keep in touch with friends you make during PolArt.”
And these friends you keep for a lifetime! To those uninitiated who are looking forward to their very first PolArt, Sławek has just a few words of advice.
“Live it. PolArt is one of the few times you will be able to share and celebrate your passion with so many other people in one place at the same time,” he says. “These don't come that often so make sure you enjoy every minute, every dance step, and every shot of vodka! And make friends with members from other groups, after all, as the song goes: “Wszyscy Polacy to jedna rodzina!”
PolArt is coming to Melbourne December 27, 2015 to January 3, 2016 in locations all around Melbourne.
Keep up to date on PolArt’s official page hope to see you there.