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2 stycznia 2016
Sebastian Kawa - Mistrz nad mistrzami
Tomasz Kawa

Niezwykle sympatyczną nowinę uzyskaliśmy dzisiaj ze Światowej Federacji Lotniczej FAI. Sebastian został uznany Atletą Grudnia 2015 r. przez International World Games Association. Wielka wagę ma stwierdzenie w uzasadnieniu tego wyróżnienia: "The glider pilot of today, if not of all time". IWGA jest organizacją zrzeszająca obecnie 37 międzynarodowych federacji sportowych, która we współpracy Międzynarodowym Komitetem Olimpijskim (MKOl) promuje sport i szeroko pojętą kulturę fizyczną. Sztandarowym przedsięwzięciem stowarzyszenia są organizowane co cztery lata Światowe Igrzyska Sportowe. Gospodarzem najbliższych Igrzysk będzie Wrocław w 2017 r.
Serdecznie pozdrawiam
Tomasz (Tata)

Happy New Year to you!What a great finale to an outstanding year 2015.Please note today's news-release of IWGA (International World Games Association) announcing Mr. Sebastian KAWA from Poland to be the Athlete of the Month December 2015. This is great news for the oustanding pilot Mr. Sebastian Kawa ("THE glider pilot of today, if not of all time").

This is also a great achievement for the FAI as this news supports our efforts to promote air sports on a global level. It is furthermore a recognition of the work of the Air Sport Commission's efforts to establish a brand-new race-format for the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015. Overall, a great success and on behalf of FAI let me thank all who contributed to achieving this success. Congratulations from the global air sports community, dear Sebastian! Very well done!
Kindest regards from Lausanne, Yours Markus HAGGENEY | Sports and Marketing Director
FAI - Fédération Aéronautique Internationale.

IWGA Athlete of the Month: Sebastian Kawa (POL)
Congratulations to Sebastian Kawa, IWGA Athlete of the Month for December 2015. The 43-year-old athlete from Poland is THE glider pilot of today, if not of all time. During a thrilling competition above the desert sands, he eclipsed all his rivals to achieve a brilliant victory in the Gliding Match Racing at the FAI World Air Games Dubai 2015 in December.

In this brand new gliding event designed especially for the Games, the competitors all flew identical aircraft so that success rested exclusively on overall gliding talent. Suiting Kawa perfectly, he used his tactical sense, outstanding piloting ability and choice of optimum route to outpace his rivals and secure first place. “For me competition flying is always very exciting,” he commented after his victory. “I have been trying to improve and to do new things every day, and I think that was the key to winning this time.”
At 43 years old, his medal haul is impressive. He won his first in 1999, a bronze, but since 2003 has won gold at every single European and World Championships!

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