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26 stycznia 2016
The Truth about Poland
Marek Baterowicz & "Poles in Defense of Europe and Poland"
Dr Marek Baterowicz has sent a letter of protest to the ABC TV: "On Sunday 24th January 2016 your channel has emitted some biased news from Poland, therefore I am sending a text which explains the situation in my country, and which was also circulated in Strasburg durin the PE debate."

The horrible and absurd lies circulate about the situation in Poland, lies spread by the party which – in October 2015 – lost parliamentary elections. According to its statements, democracy in Poland is threatened by the new law on the public media and by the modifications to the law concerning the Constitutional Court. That’s a bald lie.

We should say at the first onset that a democracy allegedly installed in 1989 is still a vain illusion in our country. Evoking Montesquieu’s principle of the separation of powers – always valid nowadays – we have to confess that it is not kept in Poland. There are not independent tribunals, still in 2007-2015 they followed dispositions sent by the Prime minister Tusk and his acolytes. It was the same with the public prosecutors, entirely submitted to the wishes expressed by the Civic Platform, ruling party, and not only for the investigation of the Smolensk crash ( in 2010) which killed 96 V.I.P.-s including the President Lech Kaczynski, but also discontinuing legal proceedings in many frauds if these crooks belonged to the elite or were members of the government.

So called III Republic, established in 1989, was never a state of law, and the victory in October 2015 can be seen as the spontaneous reaction to the overwhelming corruption flourishing under the previous government. Reaction of people who – respecting jurisprudence – voted for the party Law and Justice.

The Constitutional Court ( set up in 1982 by general Jaruzelski, chief of the military junta and butcher of “Solidarity” during the martial law ) is still a refuge for some ex-members of the Communist Party ( PZPR) and even former secret agents. This anachronistic office doesn’t fulfill expectations of the democratic society of our time, therefore that Court deserved to be reformed for the benefit of citizens.

The freedom of speech is not fully achieved and the public opinion is often manipulated, especially in the official TV or TV channels owned by foreign corporations. This deficiency of information is hardly balanced by some independent newspapers and by the Internet, however all that doesn’t allow to see the gravity of all problems which corrode our country. The abuses committed by the public TV were huge, also we should mention about 500 reporters fired during the rule of the Civic Platform, party presumably “liberal” and governing the country which claimed to be democratic.

That’s why a new law about media, voted recently by the party Law and Justice, was absolutely necessary in order to assure the right to the freedom of speech and objective information.

In the wider context, it is a conflict between Polish citizens – who wish to set aside the remnants of the communist past which was wisely done by the Czechs in 1989 -– and the Peereliens ( name given to the supporters and clients of the communist Poland, name refers to the abbreviation PRL) who still dream to extend their domination. These Peereliens, well organized in their old net of ex-secret services, destroy maliciously all Polish projects undertaken in order to establish a real democracy and to restore the true sens of ideas like “justice” or “law”, also “freedom – freaternity – equality”.

Today in Poland it is above all “equality” which has lost any meaning: pensions paid to the former officers of security ( often sadistic executioners) surpass largely ( ten times more ) the average pension of the ordinary citizen. III Republic is in fact a paradise for the former executioners to the prejudice of victims.

In these circles you can find the most fervent enemies of the democracy, they fight against any plan of reforms which can improve our Republic ( coup d’etat in 1992, attempt failed in 2005-2007 ). Descendants of the functionaries – who terrorized Poland under Stalin’s rule – destabilize again our country and undermine the legal government, formed after the elections of October 2015.

“Gazeta Wyborcza” ( a daily owned by Adam Michnik, his brother Stefan was one of the Stalinist hangmen ) is serving as a screen for the lobby of these “children of red dynasties” who use all slanders in their infernal game against the legitimate goals of the Polish state. They want to deprive us of the natural rights, proper to all nations.

By Vitek Skonieczny

The origin of this political crisis goes back to the Round Table ( 1989) when Solidarity and opposition had granted too many concessions to the communists, believing they will take part in the constructions of a new Poland. Unfortunately, crimes not punished stimulated new crimes. So, 25 years of so called III Republic ( in fact PRL-bis) abound in mysterious assassinations – disguised in suicides – which never were explained, nor judged.

A morbid symbiosis, starting in 1995, between the government of SLD ( ex-communists ) and the mafia degraded deeply the state, later this corruption reached its peak under the government of the Civic Platform ( 2007-2015). A political murder becomes a frequent means of the political struggle in which many politics or generals perished. A “catastrophe” of the presidential plane in 2010 is a national tragedy. The investigation of that crash has been abandoned to Russians by Donald Tusk. It is a shame for his government and for his commission of “experts”.

For some weeks we see how some obscure forces destabilize Poland. Their hysterical manifestations in the streets prove that Peereliens and their followers don’t accept the result of election. Their totalitarian mind rejects the democracy, although they pose as democratic champions. However, they don’t renounce their principal tool of political struggle which is a murder.

During their manifestations children carry posters asking for the death of Jaroslaw Kaczynski, others suggest to kill Andrzej Duda, President of Poland recently elected. This macabre march towards crimes, exaltation of hatred and an obvious depravation of children don’t alarm European Union ? What they want to achieve these monsters, these aberrant demons ? Perhaps to launch a civil war in order to prolong their revolting devastation of our country ? A task for the European Union should be to stop this hideous aggression instead of penalizing our legal government which tries to build a democracy in Poland.

Poles in defense of Europe and Poland