Dr Grzegorz Szuladziński, znana postać Polonii Sydnejskiej, wielu rodakom znany również jako ekspert Komisji Macierewicza badającej katastrofę smoleńską, skierował kilka dni temu list do Radia ABC wytykając naruszenie zasad dziennikarskich w omawianiu sytuacji w Polsce. Jeśli nasi Drodzy Czytelnicy zgadzają się z opinią wyrażona przez dr Szuladzińskiego, proponujemy skopiowanie jego tekstu i wysłanie go do Radia ABC z dopiskiem I am sharing dr Szuladzinski's critical remarks about this particular news bulletin, and in fact we are aware of many similar cases of biased reporting about recent developments in Poland. Pismo wyślijmy na niżej podany adres.
ABC Classic Audience & Consumer Affairs GPO BOX 9994 Sydney
Oto treść listu wysłanego przez dr Szuladzińskiego:
ABC Classic FM gave a major commentary on the situation in Poland, on 8/5/16, at 7 am news. It was alleged that the Polish government was acting in a non-democratic way, against constitution and that some European authorities joined their concern.
You gave the opposition viewpoint without remarking on what the government says. The truth is that democracy in Poland is healthy and well, which is proven by thousands of those who demonstrate without fear of retribution.
So what is about the whole affair? Not democracy, simply MONEY. Let me explain.
In about 1990 there was a change of political system in Poland. Those that acted as obedient Soviet servants and kept the country with an iron hand gave up power (at least on the surface) and morphed into the "friends of the USA" and "democrats". They intercepted a large part of the national wealth. During the last 8 years, prior to the election, they milked the country's treasury mercilessly.
They lost the last election badly. They are now screaming, because they were "pulled off the trough" and try to undermine the recently elected government. They are very resourceful and pay a large part of the protesters to attend.
You are expected to be balanced and objective, like BBC or SBS, to use a local example. Anything else is distorting the view of the world. You have done that.
Sincerely yours,