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Strzelecki Competition:



11 października 2016
Gala Premiere feed back
kilka opinii po imprezie w NSW Parliament House

Richard Broinowski, Patron of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc. Photo B. Filip
Richard Broinowski: Thank you so much for a splendid and quite funny evening. You worked very hard to make it a great success. My wife and sisters and cousins enjoyed it as much as did I. I kept my [oak] wreath in water until the leaves went brown. I am waiting to see the various photos people took.
Dr Kamila Walker:Dear Ernestyna. This is just a quick note to let you know that my husband and I really enjoyed the program last night. Thank you again for the kind invitation. I particularly enjoyed the performance by Amelie. I hope that your work as President of Kosciuszko Heritage Inc proves highly successful. Dr Kamila Walker
Head of Polish Studies Macq Uni

Hon. Rober Borsak:Thanks Ernestyna,I saw you rushing around, a great night, we really enjoyed it, I learnt a lot about the General Kosciusko that I didn't know.
Wojciech Ihnatowicz Dear Ernestyno, with great satisfaction I wish to thank you for allowing me see that all-important film concerning the Polish national hero and the USA, Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Yesterday's screening of this film in the hall of the State Parliament of New South Wales was a great event for the whole Polish and Australians communities. As the tallest peak on the continent, Australia bears the name of Tadeusz Kosciuszko, he is very close to Australian and Polish hearts. Profile of gathered guests, Consuls General of Poland , USA, Switzerland, diplomats like Richard Broinowski, Dr Helen Caldicott and many other important guests who participated at the gathering, testifies to the importance of this extremely important screening of the film which is the beginning to Start the big celebrations in Poland, Australia, the USA and in the World Year 2017 being the official year of Tadeusz Kosciuszko.

LOT Polish Airlines was involved in the construction of the Monument of Edmund Strzelecki , discoverer of the tallest peak of mainland Australia, in Jindabayne, that is one of many reasons why yesterday evening was very important for us. Of course the value of artistic and informative profile of the film is high standard. I hope, that year 2017 will be, with the contribution of the Kosciuszko Heritage very fruitful to bring history of Tadeusz Kosciuszko nearer to the hearts and minds of Polish and Australian citizens. Taking the opportunity I desire to thank you for your support of LOT Polish Airlines and the Polish tourism. Yours sincerely
Wojciech Mitch W . Ihnatowicz
Representative Manager
Australia and New Zealand by
mobile 0409834957
website :

Felix Molski: I think it went well. Mietek Swat and Julie Ankiewicz both gave it outstanding grades and they both heard positive responses from the people they talked to. My ex-student Phil S. said he liked the film as did his partner Sue, who amazingly met one of her friends at the premiere! I have asked Phil to write a report of his impressions and I said that you would publish it; hopefully he responds.
Urszula Lang:Something happened to me when I heard John [Hospodaryk] singing “My Mountain Kosciuszko” and the images in the background, with Ania Hospodaryk there, brought this wave of uncontrollable emotion. I really do miss him. For me, that was a really lovely way to start the event. The young Ngarigo girl at the beginning did a great job of Acknowledgement of Country. Amelka and Olivia were beautiful – young and fresh and obviously both very talented, and added the right dose of live entertainment to the proceedings. Lukasz and Ewa did a great job MC-ing. Speeches were all great.
Acacia Rose - Dear Ernestyna and Andre. I would like to congratulate you and your team and associates at Kosciuszko Heritage for the hard work and commitment to put together the Film and Exhibition and gathering at NSW Parliament House last night. The evening was enjoyable and insightful into this extraordinary man and his extensive positive influence throughout Europe and America. Wonderful evening. Perhaps we can organise for the Minister of Environment to be involved next year. (Acacia Rose is a Tourist Guide from Snowy Mountains.
Tracy Sugg, Tennessee: We watched [the DVD] and thoroughly enjoyed it! Even my youngest son was vastly interested through the whole piece - it was well put together and easy to follow, I am so glad that you all made an 'English speaking' version of it. It was extremely fascinating and there was so much that I was unaware of that happened during the time of Kosciuszko's imprisonment. Not speaking Polish, I was unable to read any Polish books about him and had to rely on English books for all my research. This documentary really showed many details I was unaware of. We really enjoyed the 'voice overs' that was well done and created a lot of interest in the whole drama that you were describing. The music was wonderful, and I am looking very very forward to what you all may be doing next!

Marianna ŁacekTo, co wydarzyło się wczoraj przeszło najśmielsze oczekiwania WSZYSTKICH bez wyjątku uczestników. Ci, którzy nie dotarli już żałują! Dobrze im tak. Należą Ci się największe gratulacje! A z Zalipiem i śpiewającą Łowiczanką – to prawdziwa BOMBA artystyczna.
Jerzy Kortynski:Przekazuję serdeczne gratulacje za bardzo udaną premierę w jezyku angielskim dla Ciebie i wszytkich wspierajacych Cię osób i organizacji. Bardzo potrzebna dla rozpopularyzowania Kościuszki w środowisku australijskim. Byłem na premierze polskiej. Gratuluje tego przedsięwziecia, ktore przybliża postać Kościuszki nie tylko Australijczykom ale i naszym polskim rodakom. Zorganizowanie tego wymagło ogromu pracy i energii. Jest niewątpliwie uwieńczeniem festiwali organizowanych przez Ciebie w Jindabyne przez wiele lat, w których też uczestniczyłem. A udział młodzieży z zespołu "Lajkonik" na obu premierach bardzo potrzebny dla przekazania i zaszczepienia młodemu pokoleniu polskiej historii. Życzę powodzenia w organizacji następnych imprez.Jerzy Kortynski -Polish Australian Fencing Club.
Anna Hospodaryk Droga Ernestyno. Z wielka satysfakcja przyjelam zaproszenie na Kosciuszkowska Gale. Ale calkowicie nie spodziewalam sie tego, ze uslysze i przezyje ponownie piosenke w wykonaniu Janka [My Mountain Kosciuszko]. Juz ponad 8 lat minelo od jej prawykonania i milo wspominam te chwile. Jestem zaszczycona i wdzieczna za to, ze pamiec o Janku jest wciaz zywa. Szkoda tylko, ze Victoria nie mogla byc na Gali ze wzgledu na egzaminy maturalne. Pamietam ile pracy wkladalas w organizowanie Festiwali Kosciuszkowskich w ktorych tez bralam udzial z Jankiem i Vicki. A przygotowanie filmu najpierw w wersji polskiej a potem angielskiej tez kosztowalo Cie i Twoj zespol nie mniej wysilku. Ale mozesz byc dumna ze swojego dziela. Gratuluje i zycze zdrowia i powodzenia w planowanych przedsiewzieciach. Usciski, Ania.
Izabela Stempień:Jestem pełna szacunku i podziwu dla tych, którzy poświęcają swój czas na polonijną działalność i życzę super sukcesów. Chciałam napisać, że moje towarzyszki spotkania kinowego bardzo chwaliły sobie film. Były zaskoczone unikalnością filmu i wysiłkiem w niego włożonym. Zarówno Czeszka jak i Francuzka z "delikatną" zazdrością podziwiały to, że projekcja odbywa się w takim miejscu! Ja byłam dumna! Iza.


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