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21 grudnia 2016
Marayong Consultations - discussion, Voice no 1
Wanda Potocki-Wolfe

Od Redakcji: Publikujemy niniejszym pierwszy głos w dyskusji, jaka odbyła się w Ośrodku Polskim w Marayong w ostatnią niedzielę 18 grudnia 2016. Tekst wystąpienia pani Wandy Potockiej-Wolfe otrzymaliśmy emailem w dniu 21 grudnia 2016.Dear Mrs Davis, Sr Grazyna, Leszek Madry and Board Members.To date after three letters sent to you on 2.10.16, 27.10.16 and 11.11.16, you haven't answered any of my questions pertaining to what is happening at Marayong. Where has this meeting been advertised? Did you notify the Polish Newspaper? Did you advertise via the Polish Radio? I spoke with people from my local deli - they didn't know what I was talking about. Mrs Davis, when you barely replied to my three letter to the Board, you didn't answer a single one of my over thirty plus questions put to you. I find this most unprofessional!

I will beg this question yet again, how could you possibly have made decisions to build at Marayong without notifying all relevant stake holders? As a business person, you would surely know what the protocols are.

How is it that you have decided to now consult with the community and not done so prior to preparing plans for Marayong? Is this meeting just a formality, and you have already made up your mind as to what you want, that is, your plans for the community, not what the community believes they need? Is this some 'new style of management'?

Why this meeting before Christmas? Surely you realise that this time is inappropriate because the Polish people are preparing for Christmas, and, this is a very special feast for them both spiritually and in terms of being with family.

What is the purpose of Marayong? The Sisters' Mission is not only for families, but for all Polish people. When the Sisters arrived, it was to serve the Polish community, and to look after orphans. The Sisters were invited by the Polish people. As it turned out, they were the only Order who were not under communist rule at the time. But, this is another story.

All the wonderful things that were achieved at the time the Sisters arrived, were due to the support of the Polish people: Marayong was built by the Poles. This was the Sisters' obligation: to work for the Polish families. The Sisters are here because of us. We invited them.

I would ask the question yet again: Do you really want to consult with us, or, have you already made decisions do as you want? Is this going to be a 'mock' consultation?

Where are your plans? Why don't we know about them? I have asked this questions of you on numerous occasions in my three letters to the Board. Still not answered!!! Why is this?

Plan rozbudowy przedstawiony na zebraniu w dniu 18 grudnia i przes lany emailem 21 grudnia

We already had plans drawn up by Kevin Rocks. I believe they were ready to go. Where are they? What was the cost to draw these up? Now we have new plans. Why? What was the cost to have these drawn up?

Kevin Rocks wasn't going to create a multi million debt, but these new plans, 3 storey, I believe, will create a mammoth debt. Who will pay for this?

Mr Rocks left plans for extensions - where are they? Why have his plans been pushed aside to make way for other plans that we haven't been able to peruse?

Mr Rocks wanted to stay on as Project Manager. Everything was ready to go, yet it seems that the CEO is here barely one year, and, we have new plans. Why? What is going on?

Under the present leadership there is no transparency, openness or honesty about what is planned! We still don't know!!! Why haven't we been informed? Why the secrecy? Why the rush to put up buildings we as a community, know nothing about? Where is the costing for all of this?

Plans under Kevin Rocks were discussed with the staff, residents etc., and everyone was in agreement and happy with what was planned. Where are they? We want to see them.

Kevin proved to the people that he knew what he was doing. There was consultation, transparency and openness every inch of the way. At this point in time we still don't know what is going on. It is rumoured that Paynter and Dixon are the development company of your choice. Who are they? Why that company? I believe that you were employed by this company for ten years. Is this then not a conflict of interest on your part?

I believe this development company refurbished the present main entrance to the Holy Family Services. Why was it remodelled? At what cost? What was the benefit to the Polish people?

What is the purpose and benefit of a three storey building, which I believe have already planned for the Polish people? I ask yet again, where are the plans? I have begged this question since the 2nd of October, 2016 in three letters! Who will pay for this 'white elephant'?

If we are unable to meet the payments, will we be taken over by some company? This will then no longer serve the Polish community. It was, and is your responsibility to keep us informed every step of the way as to what is being planned. The Polish people have every right to know!

I believe you were planning a Wellness Centre. What is the definition of this? Why didn't we know about this? Why do we need it?

What make you think that elderly people want to travel up and down a lift in a three storey building?

What makes you think they want a view of the roof of the Chapel! People want a lovely garden they can walk out to ' to smell the roses', look at beautiful plants and shrubs, not a copper roof to look at.

The New Leadership team is barely a year old and there is so much unhappiness!

Isn't it good policy when a new team is set up, to come in like a gentle breeze, not a tornado, and sit back, take in the scenery and think about what needs to be done, especially as there were already plans drawn up?

Again I ask - Why the rush?

Kind regards,
Wanda Potocki-Wolfe

Zebranie konsultacyjne ze społecznością lokalną zostało zwołane na 12 grudnia; zebranie z Polonią na 18 grudnia 2016.

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Links to articles published so far: (click on a selected link) - Pani Wanda, voice no 1. Some Qeuestions in English Maciejewska, Refleksje po spotkaniu U. Lang, Notes Ferenz, Przemyślenia po spotkaniu Zawierucha w Marayong (Ferenz, J. Dunin-Karwicka)