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19 listopada 2017
Lajkonikowy Showcase. Maluchy zapraszają
Sala Jana Pawła II - 26th November 2017

Polski Zespol Piesni I Tanca “Lajkonik” (mlodsza grupa) zaprasza serdecznie na mini-concert w Niedziele 26-ego Listopada, od godz.12.30 to 1.30 pp na Sali Jana Pawla II-iego, w Marayong. Na koncercie, bedzie mozna posluchac i obejrzyc rozne piosenki, inscenizacje i nowe tance Orawskie. Zespol jest pod kierownictem Urszuli Lang I Agnieszki Gnatek. Rodzice ktorzy chcieliby zapisac swoje dzieci w roku 2018 sa szczegolnie zacheceni do przyjscia ze swoimi dziecmi. W tym samym czasie, kawa, herbata I rozne ciasta beda w sprzedazy w kuchni przez Komitet Parafialny. Potem Uroczysta Msza Swieta i procesja o godz. 2.30pp (Swieto Chrystusa Krola).

Lajkonik JUNIOR GROUP invites you for our end-of-year showcase on Sunday 26 November 2017, at Marayong, in the Parish Hall from 12.30 to 1.30 pm. We are presenting a selection of songs and dances learnt and performed throughout the year, under the guidance of Agnieszka Gnatek and Urszula Lang. Tance Orawskie will be performed for the first time by our junior team of 24 children, as well as a number of other interesting and charming role plays and vocal items.

If you are thinking of signing up your children to Lajkonik in 2018, then this is the perfect opportunity to come along to see some of this year's achievements. No tickets, just "wolne datki" (donations) at the end of the show.

The Parish Committee will be selling cakes, coffee and tea, and the special mass for the feast day of Christ the King, starts at 2.30 pm, with procession afterwards. PLEASE SUPPORT THE CHILDREN WHO ARE THE FUTURE OF POLONIA IN AUSTRALIA, AND MAKE IT A DAY AT MARAYONG!