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6 marca 2018
Kataloński barok - Catalan Baroque in Sydney and Canberra
The Sydney Consort zaprasza

Tak jak hiszpańska, również i z Katalonii muzyka jest zupełnie inna od krajów europejskich w czasie baroku. Dominujący styl włoski i francuski pojawiał sie często w kompozycjach autorów z innych krajów. The Sydney Consort ma ogromną przyjemność gościć wspaniałego gitarzystę z Chile, którego muzyczna energia i rytm muzyki katalońskiej udziela się wszystkim.

Piątek, 9 marzec o godzinie 20.00 w Kościele Katolickim pod wezwaniem Św. Augustyna, Eaton Street w BALMAIN Koncert również w Canberze - niedziela, 18 marzec o godzinie 15.00 w Wesley Music Centre, 20 national Circuit, FORREST.

Więcej informacji na stronie internetowej www.sydneyconsort.com.au/concert-1.html

Bilety przed koncertem lub poprzez Trybooking : www.trybooking.com/TTCL

Serdecznie zapraszamy !

Rodrigo Santibanez was born in the southern Chilean city of Concepcion, and moved to Sydney Australia in the year 2000. Since an early age, Rodrigo has played guitar and formally began his classical guitar tuition under Chilean guitarist, Daniel Estrada in Concepcion. Following many dedicated years of study, Rodrigo first advanced his guitar and music education at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Chile in Santiago.

After relocating to Sydney, Rodrigo achieved his Bachelor of Music Studies major in Classical Guitar from the Sydney Conservatorium of Music in 2008, where he studied with the acclaimed Australian guitarist Greg Pikler.

During his career, Rodrigo has performed solo and chamber music with many ensembles in South America and Australia. He has worked as a soloist with the Concepcion Symphony Orchestra, North Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Sydney University Symphony Orchestra, Ryde Hunters Hill Symphony Orchestra, Kuringai Philharmonic Orchestra, and with the Sydney baroque ensemble Salut! Baroque.

He has also attended masterclasses with Australian guitarist Craig Ogden as well as American guitarist David Leisner.

His musical dexterity has also taken him beyond the classical music field performing with the South American music ensemble Tigramuna, with whom he toured around Australia and internationally across South East Asia as part of the Musica Viva Australia music program.