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Strzelecki Competition:



28 lipca 2018
Tribute to Sharon Anderson
by Kosciuszko Heritage, delivered by Iris White

Our tribute to Sharon Anderson – by Kosciuszko Heritage on behalf of the Polish Community July 2018. It was 2007 that some of us within the organisation of Kosciuszko Heritage had the epiphany that in fact the Polish people had much MORE in common with Ngarigo people than was widely known or understood. Both peoples had lost their country, and suffered incredible mistreatment and human loss as a part of it. Both yearned to regain it, and would never give up the fight for it.[/b]

In the way that our heroes Tadeusz Kosciuszko and Sir Paul Edmund Strzelecki would have done things, in relation to the issues around Kosciuszko National Park, we sought to seek friendship and understanding with Ngarigo, rather than pursue the realisation of goals and objectives for the Polish community which were separate and self-serving. Sharon was one of the first of the true Ngarigo family who opened her heart to us and made us feel welcome. She came to a number of our Polish Festivals and other events, and over time, we came to trust and respect each other more and more.

We joyfully attended her 60th birthday celebration in April. She would definitely have been part of the Ngarigo visit to Krakow, Poland, last year, for 200 year commemorations of Kosciuszko’s death, had her health allowed it.

Our last memory of her, from only two weeks ago, was the opening event of NAIDOC in Cooma, which has now come to be her last public stand to protect the rights and entitlements of Ngarigo against those that might threaten them. This was to be her last. On that day, she stood beautiful, powerful and strong, speaking on behalf of the four Ngarigo Aunties for truth in respect of the Ngarigo tradition to be upheld. We embraced her afterwards, warmly and with admiration, with promises to meet soon to talk more.

We didn’t know at the time that she would fully exemplify the theme of that event “Because of her, we can” in the same way as her predecessors. Like many of those other strong Ngarigo women, may she rest peacefully with the Spirits knowing that she made a huge difference in the fight for Ngarigo rights, and will never be forgotten by her family and friends.

We give our deepest sympathy to the immediate family, Aunty Rae, Sharon’s husband, children and grandchildren, and to all of the Ngarigo relatives and family members, for having lost Sharon, and to tell you that we share that loss too. Because of her, we can!

Ernestyna Skurjat-Kozek & Andrzej Kozek
Ursula Lang & Tony Lang
26th July 2018

Cztery pokolenia Stewartów: elderka Aunty Rae, córka Sharon, wnuczki Carissa i Sally oraz prawnuki Corey i Tanaya. Kwiecien 2018. Foto Puls Polonii

Stypa, 26 lipca 2018. Przy kominku: Aunty Rae (po lewej) i Aunty Rachel, w głębi Tanaya i Ernestyna. Foto Puls Polonii