Z prawdziwą radością, i z ogromną satysfakcją pragnę podzielić się z czytelnikami Pulsu Polonii niecodzienną wiadomością. Nasz rodak, dr Severyn Ozdowski właśnie otrzymał tytuł Profesora. Sev, gratulujemy Ci z całego serca! Od lat jesteś chlubą naszej
społeczności. Ten tytuł Profesora jest jak najbardziej zasłużony. Kryje się za nim przeogromna praca, jaką wykonałeś dla społeczności australijskiej, ani na chwilę nie przestając być Polakiem. Marianna Łacek OAM
Dear colleagues, I am pleased to announce that Dr Sev Ozdowski AM will be awarded the title
of Professor, in recognition of his sustained and significant contribution
to human rights education, research, policy and advocacy.
In addition to his current role as Director, Equity and Diversity at Western
Sydney University, Sev served as the Australian Human Rights Commissioner
and Disability Discrimination Commissioner between 2000 and 2005. Prior to
that, he was the CEO of the South Australian Office of Multicultural and
International Affairs for four years. In 2006, Sev was also appointed as an
Adjunct Professor in the Centre of Peace and Conflict Studies at the
University of Sydney.
Sev's leadership, scholarly work and policy engagement has been instrumental
in raising the national and international profile of Western Sydney
University. Sev is the founder and convener of the highly regarded
International Conference on Human Rights Education, which for nine years has
promoted a dialogue on human rights education as a means of increasing
democracy, the rule of law, justice, and intercultural and social harmony.
Sev is also a member of many boards, including the Australian Multicultural
Council, and the President of the Australian Council for Human Rights Education.
In recognition of his contributions, Sev was made a Member in the General Division of the Order of Australia (AM) in 2016 and awarded the Order of
Australia Medal (AO) in 1995.
Please join me in congratulating Sev.
Regards, Barney Glover Vice-Chancellor and President E: b.glover@westernsydney.edu.au
P: 61 2 9683 8121