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20 lutego 2019
AIPA alarmuje w sprawie Michalkiewicza
Gancarz apeluje o bojkotowanie wizyty
Od Redakcji. Wizyta Stanisława Michalkiewicza w Australii przypada na okres wielkiego zaognienia stosunków polsko-izraelskich, wynikających m.in. z interpretacji przemówienia premiera Netaniahu w Warszawie i oszczerczego stwierdzenia szefa dyplomacji izraelskiej, jakoby Polacy wyssali antysemityzm z mlekiem matki. Spotkało się to z ostrymi komentarzami różnych osobistości, również ze strony żydowskiej. "The US ambassador to Warsaw has said Israel’s foreign minister should apologise for claiming that Poles “suckled anti-Semitism with their mother’s milk.” source: thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/407342,Israeli-foreign-minister-should-apologise-to-Poland-US-ambassador I jeszczcze komentarz Naczelnego rabina Polski: His comments came amid Polish-Israeli tensions after Israel’s interim foreign minister reportedly claimed that Poles “suckled anti-Semitism with their mother’s milk.” In a statement posted by Poland’s telewizjarepublika.pl website, the Chief Rabbi of Poland, Michael Schudrich, was quoted as saying: “Accusing all Poles of antisemitism… also offends us, Polish Jews, who are part of that society.” source: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/407078,Accusing-Poles-of-antisemitism-offends-Polish-Jews-chief-rabbi

Toczy się więc zagorzała dyskusja w Polsce, w krajach Wyszehradu, w Izraelu, w USA - a zapewne i w Australii. Polonia australijska chciałaby zapewne włączyć się do dyskusji, zwłaszcza na spotkaniach ze znawcą tych spraw... cóż, kiedy jego wizyta jest torpedowana przez AIPA. AIPA zarzuca Polonii, iż przez otwarcie się na spotkania z Michalkiewiczem może zniszczyć dobre imię Polski i podkopać stosunki polsko-żydowskie. Niniejszym przedrukowujemy tekst prezesa AIPA adresowany do wszystkich organizacji polonijnych w Australii.

Dear Colleagues,Re: Visit to Australia by Stanislaw Michalkiewicz, February – March 2019. We are facing a scandal that has the potential to seriously undermine the good name of Poland, the reputation of Polonia and of Polish-Jewish relations. We refer to the return visit to Australia (and New Zealand) by a highly controversial Polish commentator, Stanisław Michalkiewicz, for a series of public meetings in Australia’s major cities.The Australian Institute of Polish Affairs categorically distances itself from this highly provocative visit. Like his previous visit, it is likely to embarrass the entire Polonia, provoke serious discord within the community, and damage Poland’s reputation – as testified by the recent correspondence from concerned and alarmed leaders of Jewish organisations. We are therefore equally concerned and alarmed.

Mr Michalkiewicz arrives in Australia on the invitation of the Polish organisation Stowarzyszenie Nasza Polonia wherein Mr Adam Gajkowski, Honorary President, is associated with. His meetings will be held in venues associated with the Polish Catholic Mission in Australia.

As pointed out by most Polish commentators, Michalkiewicz’s past public statements breach the boundaries of the common moral code and civility. They are extreme and offensive, especially to the Jewish community.

Our Institute has been active in defending Poland’s good reputation and in building good relations of trust and mutual respect between the Polish and Jewish communities in Australia since 1991. This visit by Stanislaw Michałkiewicz could endanger those achievements.

We hope all Polish organisations join us in condemning Michalkiewicz’s inflammatory statements and distance themselves from his Australian visit.

We are attaching, for your information, four links to some of the statements made by Mr Stanislaw Michalkiewicz:


Zydzi to nie są nasi bracia

Żydzi będą kiedyś rozliczeni


Aleksander M. Gancarz OAM
Australian Institute of Public Affairs (AIPA)

żródło: www.aipa.net.au/aipa/interesting/alert-visit-to-australia-by-stanislaw-michalkiewicz-february-march-2019/