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7 marca 2019
Cardinal Pell: Our Dreyfus Case
George Weigel
Słynny watykanista i biograf św. Jana Pawła II, George Weigel opublikował kolejny artykuł w sprawie kardynała Pella, tym razem rysując paralele między procesami i losem Dreyfusa we Francji i Pella w Australii. Tuż pod najnowszym artykułem Weigela przypomniano/wznowiono napisane w lipcu 2017 r. wspomnienia Weigela o 50-letniej przyjaźni łączącej go z australijskim kapłanem. Poniżej dwa akapity wyjete z tekstu "Fifty years of friendship with Cardinal Pell". (ESK)

That summer [1967], Father Pell was heading for doctoral studies in history at Oxford after ordination in Rome from the Pontifical Urban University (horsemeat was a staple on the menu in his day). His intellectual gifts might have marked him out for a scholarly career. But Providence (and John Paul II) had other plans, and rather than teaching history full-time, George Pell made history, becoming the defining figure of 21st-century Catholicism in Australia.

Had Pell not become archbishop of Melbourne, and later cardinal-archbishop of Sydney, it’s a reasonable bet that Australian Catholicism today would resemble the Irish Church from which the Church Down Under largely descends: scandal-ridden, demoralized, intellectually shoddy, and somewhere out on the far periphery of the New Evangelization. Thanks to Pell’s courage in facing-down the Australian forces of Catholic Lite, the Church in Oz today has a fighting chance.