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13 marca 2019
Co pisał Thomas Keneally o Pellu kilka lat temu
Australian Women's Weekly May 2015

Od Redakcji. Przypadkiem natknęłam się na artykuł znanego pisarza australijskiego Thomasa Keneally z maja 2015 r. pod tytułem Is George Pell an enemy of the church? Tenże pisarz jest autorem przedmowy do DRUGIEGO WYDANIA kontrowersyjnej książki Luizy Milligan "The Rise and Fall of George Pell" (Wzlot i Upadek George'a Pella). Oto pierwszy akapit artykułu.

George Pell turns 75 today and as such, tendered his resignation to the Pope, as is custom when Catholic bishops reach the milestone age. But as expected, Pope Francis rejected Pell's appeal, asking the beleaguered Australian to continue working until 2019. But is this the best move for the embattled religion? Australian icon Thomas Keneally asks could it be that Pell, champion of the Church, is its worst enemy?

Full text of Keneally's article HERE

Przypomnijmy, że Keneally jest autorem wydanej kilka lat temu powieści pt. "Crimes of the Father". Keneally has set this exploration of clerical abuse in his native Australia at the end of the last century, a time when the voices of victims were beginning to be heard but before they were raised in a worldwide clamour. Crimes of the Father is a provocative and powerful study of abusers and the abused. It captures the honourable priests determined to expose the outrage and the church hierarchy equally determined to discredit them. Most poignantly, it depicts ordinary Catholics caught in the crossfire, whose faith is eroded by men who, in the words of Keneally’s protagonist, Father Frank Docherty, have “been exalted above our merits”.

Book's review - full text HERE