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12 sierpnia 2019
"Far Right" wear it as a Badge of Honour
Peter Smith, Quadrant on Line

Autor artykułu w konserwatywnym pismie australijskim "Quadrant",Peter Smith, opisuje wrażenia z konferencji Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), która w ostatni weekend odbyła się w Sydney z udziałem takich prawicowych sław jak Nigel Farage czy ex-muzułmanin Raheem Kassam. Smith szczególnie wspomina dwa wystapienia. "It was noteworthy, at least I think so, that Nigel Farage and Fox News commentator Jeanine Pirro gave the most uplifting and inspiring speeches. Gentle to their adversaries they were not; impersonal they were not. Let us please get this straight. Leftist bozos want to destroy our nationhood, our culture, our traditions, our way of life, our very civilisation. And we have to be nice to them? They can’t be reasoned with. They are not interested in dialogue."

W pozostałej części artykułu Smith rozważa, co to znaczy być skrajnie prawicowym (far right). "This is some of what it means to me as a conservative.It means understanding that the nation state and its secure borders stand between us and tyranny. It means being sceptical of the benefits of multiculturism. Our Judeo-Christian Western culture is better than any other by a country mile. It gives us our freedom and our prosperity. (...) It means honouring the role of the family and fighting against forces which seek to undermine it. (...)It means valuing life, which also means understanding that the pregnant mother and the child she is carrying are separate lives. They are two not just one."

Smith kończy swoje rozważania pytaniem, jak mamy się zachować w sytuacji, kiedy ludzie skrajnej lewicy (far left) nie są zainteresowani dialogiem i wymianą zdań. Do jakiego stopnia mamy być grzeczni, układni, ustępliwi? "Incivility and contempt are sometimes needed. Try being civil and nice to a thug in dark alley who wants your money. And, remember, he only wants to take your money not your whole way of life."

Serdecznie polecam lekturę całego artykułu. I nie tylko tego artykułu. Czytajcie Quandranta na codzień. Quadrant krzepi. Krzepi jak wańkowiczowski cukier.


Quadrant: Wear it as a badge of honour