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5 maja 2020
"A New Crusade" complaint to the ABC
Prof. Andrzej Kozek

Dear ABC, I am referring to the recent Foreign Correspondent episode A New Crusade shown by ABC on 2020-04-28 8:01PM available also at Youtube in ABC News In-Depth channel

In this episode ABC is reaching a new high in mastering deception and whence ridiculing our country as the main Australian broadcasting media paid by taxpayers. ABC is aware of what they are doing as they turned the commentary off. Why are you doing it?

Basically, almost every sentence in the episode calls for corrections and rectifications. I will address only a few of them. It is a collage of footage filmed over several months, on different occasions and locations, and mostly in the pre-pandemic times. Yet you begin the transcript with

when Poland’s Archbishop of Krakow talks about fighting a plague, he’s not talking about the new coronavirus.

In this way, from the very beginning, you create a negative attitude of readers and viewers towards your respondent, well before allowing him to say a word. Are you playing here tricks similar to the ones used in the infamous haunt against cardinal Pell?

The pieces taken out of context have been masterfully built into the present scare of coronavirus pandemic to create viewer’s impression that Poland is plagued with ‘fascism’, ‘populism’, ‘extreme far right’, ‘white supremacy’, etc. Evidently, the ABC continues running its own crusade against Poland. To be specific I refer here to another episode

which begins with:

Imagine this: a right-wing populist party comes to power, promising to protect the nation's Catholic roots, stand up for family values and reject the liberal elite.

Does ABC stand for the Democracy - the doctrine of individual freedom and popular sovereignty - or for The Liberal Elite?

In the transcript found on Youtube you write:

In the 1980s Poland played a central part in liberating the world from communism. Now there’s a push to wind back many of those hard-won freedoms.

What a Machiavellian rhetoric!! Yes, the first statement is correct but the second one is a master of deception. The Solidarity movement was inspired by John Paul II. (John Paul the Second, not John Paul Two – as the Foreign Correspondent’s Eric Campbell with a contempt refers to). Please do not push here your deceitful propaganda that the Solidarity fight for independence, sovereignty, religious freedom and liberation from communism was a fight for domination by the LGBT movement. There is no push in Poland to wind back the hard-won freedoms. There is an attempt not to allow to wind back these freedoms by the LGBT movement. Walesa, to be endorsed as a Solidarity leader was seeking a blessing from the Pope JPII, not from the ABC, or any Liberal Elite or LGBT. Your narrative suggests however that it was the LGBT movement which liberated the world from communism.

Poland has democratically elected its present government. Such was the will of disappointed Polish People to get rid of the corrupt post-communist elite. Number of corruption affairs were swept under the carpet and the masked Police forces were provoking and attacking demonstrators.

Many of the Australian liberal elite benefited from good relations with the former president Lech Walesa and the former Finance Minister and communist party member (PZPR) Leszek Balcerowicz. Walesa, as it was later discovered, was a paid secret agent approved by the Jaruzelski-Kiszczak regime to control Solidarity movement from within. Balcerowicz was honoured by the Sydney University with a Doctor Honoris Causa title though he was instrumental in transferring the state ownership into hands of top party members who overnight converted from communism to capitalism.

Australians deserve knowing the truth. Don’t keep History a Mystery - we recall here the strong voice of your renowned journalist Stan Grant. This applies not only to the Australian history but to the history of the World and Poland as well.

Poland is a country which values its Constitution. The first one was declared on the 3rd of May 1791, being the first in Europe and the second in world after the USA. Poland paid dearly for this modern constitution being partitioned by Russia, Germany and Austria. Poland disappeared from the world map for 123 years. However the Australian highest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, has shown the World that Poland’s Spirit did not vanish. The Mount was named 180 years ago by P.E. Strzelecki to honour T. Kosciuszko, a hero of America, Poland and Belorus, a fighter for Democracy and equal rights for all, a great supporter of the Indigenous People. In 1940, on the Centenary of the naming, when Poland torn between Germany and Soviet Union, Australia funded via school children’s collections two plaques on the Mount and unveiled them during a solemn ceremony stressing it was in protest against German occupant destroying Kosciuszko monuments in Poland.

Poland and Polish community in Australia are grateful to the First Nation People and to the Australian authorities for keeping the name thus constantly reminding the World about Kosciuszko and about Poland. In the recent bushfire disaster, the people in Poland collected over AUD 150,000 (420,000 PLN) as a recovery help for Kosciuszko National Park. Did ABC or any other mainstream media notice it? None. And what happened in 2017, when UNESCO did endorse international Kosciuszko year, to celebrate the bicentenary of Kosciuszko;s death? Did any Australian media mention Kosciuszko at all? No. Did they acknowledge of the Federal Parliament’s Resolution? No. Were they interested in the historic trip of Ngarigo - Traditional Custodians of Mt Kosciuszko to visit to the Kosciuszko tomb in Poland? Not at all. Why?

The virtues won by the Solidarity as well as the freedom of speech are being upheld by the present Government of Poland in contrast to the Elite ousted in the Democratic elections. I dare say that now there is more freedom of speech in Poland than here in Australia (cf. e.g. the cases of Israel Follau and dr Annaliese van Diemen).

When you uphold a free speech, it is natural that you can also hear controversial opinions which represent neither the majority, or the Catholic Church or the Government. ABC incorrectly blames the Church and the Government for these views and indeed there is a rich spectrum of them. I find deeply biased the self-proclaimed view that the ABC selected opinions provide the MOST TRUSTED SOURCE OF INFORMATION in Australia.

The ABC choose Lech Walesa to be the ultimate judge in the Polish free and unsuppressed discussion on Poland’s Constitution. Indeed, Walesa received Nobel prize but that happened prior to his identification as a former secret agent. Walesa knew well he was a traitor. While in the office as a President of Poland he tried to erase his past by destroying plenitude of official archive documents. Key communist figures Kiszczak and Jaruzelski also destroyed a lot of stuff. Not all of it. In his secret private archives Kiszczak retained Walesa’s dossier! It was publicly disclosed by Mrs Kiszczak’ only after her husband's death. In 1982 Walesa ousted the then Prime Minister Jan Olszewski. Why? Because Olszewski intended to disclose the secret lists of communist agents. I believe the Australian audience does not deserve to be duped on these matters. Don’t keep History a Mystery.

The matter of Polish Christianity and a conflict with the present aggression of the LGBT on traditional values has been biased by the ABC. If one dismisses ABC’s stereotyping comments and looks only at the presented facts about the conflict with the LGBT movement, it becomes clear that the LGBT is not fighting back, it is an aggressor.

Another sensation of the episode are Polish women praying on their knees dressed in national colours on a day of a national celebration. You can easily take analogous shots in Australia or at Gallipoli. In the name of religious freedom ABC may endorse the Falun Gong in China but does not spare public money to stereotype Catholics in Poland. The ABC seems to put weight onto its propaganda as it deliberately splits the whole program into at least 15 topical segments and promotes each of those separately:

Equally biased is the ABC report on trials of the Polish health services to trace movements of a person freshly arrived from the USA to Poland in the coronavirus pandemic

Of course, ABC does not bother to mention that in Australia such traveler would be closed in an isolated hotel room and guarded by Police. Not a police state? Myself, being retired, with no signs of flue or CV19 staying at home, have been checked on by an Australian Policeman who asked me if our neighbors were complying with social distancing.

But, just like Stan Grant, I am above it. To me it is not proof of a Police State. Yet the complaints listed above are pushing me to share Prof. Babone’s opinion that

if you’re looking for angry, shrill, one-sided, fact-free political commentary, turn to your ABC.

Prof. Andrzej Kozek