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26 października 2020
A Voice from Within the Walls of Sebastopol (6)
Robert Alfons Chodasiewicz

Vladimir Kornilov
Wojna krymska oczyma kapitana Chodasiewicza Sewastopol. Blokada portu poprzez zatopienie własnych statków z całym ładunkiem broni. At midnight the Prince [Menschikoff] called a council of war, consisting of all the admirals and many of the naval officers in the town. They looked at each other in the greatest consternation; what had best be done - was asked on all sides. The enemy was expected before the town by daylight, when he would open a vigorous bombardment. What could be done ? Many were the plans of defence proposed. Admiral Korniloff advised that six vessels should be moored across the mouth of the harbour from Fort Constantine to Fort Alexander; that on the approach of the allied fleets each should fire a broadside and then be sunk at their anchors, while the crews could escape to the shore in their boats. These ships would form an impassable barrier to the enemy's fleet. This plan was adopted almost unanimously, but Prince Menschikoff resolved to sink the ships at once.

Link to series no 5

On the morning of the 21st [September 1854]a perfect chaos reigned throughout the town; drunken sailors wandered riotously about the streets, and in some instances shouted that Menschikoff had sold the place to the English, and that he had purposely been beaten at the Alma, where he had caused confusion by giving no directions during the battle ; many similar ideas were current among the drunken populace and sailors.

A Voice from Within the Walls of Sebastopol, a Narrative of the Campaign in the Crimea, and the Events of the Siege , London John Murray June 1856

The Prince did not show himself about the town. Korniloff alone endeavoured to restore order and confidence among the inhabitants, and his exertions for the defence are worthy of the highest praise. All the cellars for the sale of liquor were ordered to be closed, as well as all the inns and hotels or other places where spirituous liquors could be obtained; but this appeared to have had little or no effect in restraining the populace from drunkenness, when the order was given to destroy all the spirits or wines that could be found on the premises of those entitled to sell them.

Karl Brulov. An early portrait of Vladimir Kornilov - later admiral and chief of staff of the Black Sea Flotilla

Kornilov's Monument built on the spot where he got mortally wounded on 17th October 1854

(...) During the night of the 21st-22nd, the six ships above-mentioned were sunk with all their armament and stores [to last] for three months, with the exception of the Bachmout. The loss, without counting the ships themselves, must have been very great. The Tree Sviatitel would not sink after being scuttled; so about 8 A.M. of the 22nd, the steamer Vladimir fired three shots into her from a very short range; but still she floated on the waters. At this time a man belonging to the Vladimir went up to his captain and asked if he might go to the doomed ship, and take out of her a miraculous image that had been given by the Bishop of Odessa when the ship was launched, as, said the man, that is the cause of her not sinking.

The captain with a smile granted his request, and he returned triumphantly with the prize, which he showed his captain, exclaiming: - How could you expect a thing so holy to sink"!
Two more shots sent the vessel to the bottom.

To be continued
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Link to series no 5

Large collection of the siege paintings HERE

Defence of Sevastopol - a historic silent movie

Iwan Armaszewski. Monument to the sunken Russian ships

Sevastopol by W. Simpson